7: Day Before

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Victoria's POV
"Do you think that they've found your note yet?" John asked as we all sat silently in the tent. "Yeah. Don't think they're going to do anything though." I shrugged with a small chuckle, a victorious smile across my face as I looked up at the ceiling. "What're you smiling about?" Herc asked. "I'm finally free from them." I sighed, looking over at my friends. They nodded.

"Hey!" Aaron exclaimed as he walked in the tent with a huge smile on his face. "Hello, Aaron." I smiled, sitting up. "Burr." Lafayette grumbled. The others just stayed silent. "The Schuyler's are holding a ball in the summer!" Aaron told us. "That's months away though." Alexander observed. "Yeah, I know. I'm just confused on why. Especially since they're invited everyone in the camp so that would mean Victoria is coming." Aaron chuckled as he walked out. "At least we have a few months so I can escape from Britain." I laughed. John, Herc, Laf, and Alex laughed along.

~Time Skip to Summer because this story is going nowhere~

"I don't wanna wear a dresssssss!" I whined. "I don't care Victoria! You're going to wear a dress and that's that!" Hercules huffed as he dragged me through town. I honestly looked like a child but I couldn't care less. "Please don't make me wear a corset!" I begged as Herc dragged me into his tailor shop. He sat me down and glared. I glared right back. "I won't make it super tight." He sighed, a smile covering his face. "Fine." I smiled back. We shook hands and Herc went into the back of the shop to get some dresses.

As I waited the door opened and all my friends walked in. "Hello!" I smiled. "Hello." John smiled back, giving off the same cheerful energy. Alex was obviously dragged along by Laf, because he was rubbing his eyes and nodding.

We all talked while we waited for the dresses. About 5 minutes of talking later, the door opened yet again and in walked my sisters. "Victoria?!" Peggy yelped. I turned in the chair and waved sarcastically. "I thought you were in Britain!" Angelica huffed. "Yeah. And I heard you didn't do anything about it. But here we are." I shrugged, turning back to my friends. Lafayette was glaring at the three women in front of us. He started grumbling French to himself as he walked over and stood next to me, acting as like he was a guard. John and Alexander walked up the Angelica, Eliza and Peggy and escorted them out of the shop.

As we heard the girls yelling at the boys to let them back in the shop, Laf turned to me. "Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded and smiled at him. He nodded with a smile sigh and kissed my forehead as he sat next to me.

None of the boys knew of our relationship. Hell, nobody did. But that's what made it fun. Exhilarating even. Alex and John walked in with a sigh and sat on a bench across from Lafayette and I. "I don't know how you delt with them for so long." John chuckled. I shrugged as Hercules walked out with five different dresses.

"Ok so, we have a blue one, one that has hues of blue,purple, and a very washed out teal that we're just gonna call gray, a purple one, a black one, and a yellow one." Herc told me as he dragged out a whole bunch of mannequins.
(Pictures at the bottom)
Immediately the gray hued one caught my eye. "That one." I pointed immediately. "Are you sure?" Herc asked. I nodded. "Alright, guys you go back to camp, I gotta get some measurements. We'll be back soon." Herc smiled. They boys did complain about leaving but they finally gave in.

"It fits perfectly." Hercules chuckled when I walked out of the changing room. I nodded and did a small spin. "This is the first dress I enjoy wearing." I smiled. "That's because you don't have a corset on." He pointed out as he circled me, looking for any loose spots on the torso and arms. I nodded in agreement.

"Can we see?" John smiled as soon as I stepped into the tent. "See what?" I asked. "Your dress!" Laf exclaimed. "No." Herc answered for me as he put the dress away safely. It was covered so you couldn't see what dress it was. "Pleaaaase! We don't even know which one you chose!" Alex begged. "You don't?" I asked. The three men shook their heads. "Even better." I smiled at them. They all groaned and flopped onto their cots. "You only have to wait less than 24 hours. You'll be fine." I chuckled as I sat on my cot. They groaned again and started complaining. "Go to sleep guys." I laughed as I got under my blanket. "Fine." John grumbled. Everyone got under their respective blankets and drifted off to sleep.

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