Chapter 5

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At Slade's Hideout,

Robin entered into one of Slade's hideouts as a voice appeared in the room, "So here we are again. The old haunt. Just the two of us." Robin recognized Slade's voice, Looking for him around the room. "Slade, Show yourself! Come out and fight!"

"Relax, Robin. I'm not going anywhere." Robin keep searching but was hit from behind, "Ugh!" she was panting and grunting but she was filled with anger she wanted to determine to stop Slade no matter the cost or the matter of the fact.

"Brings back memories, Doesn't it?"

"All I remember is how much I hated you."

"What I remember is that you couldn't beat me. At least not all alone." Slade was taunting her once more, Robin got up quickly and started to fight Slade but Slade kept getting the hits on Robin, Robin couldn't even hit or make the first hit even. There was buzzing and then an explosion.

"Pity your friends are of no use to you."

"Why couldn't Superboy see you?"

"I believe you are familiar with cloaking technology?"

"I'm familiar with all of your tricks. That's why you're not going to get away with it!" Robin yelled "Our time apart may have made you soft, but it's only made me stronger!" Slade hurting Robin so much, she growled at him, "You're friends won't find the generators, and they can't see me. They can't see the truth, Robin, even when it's right in front of them."

"Then I'll have to take care of you myself. I've stopped you before."

"Robin, if you stopped me, then why am I still here?" Then both started to yell as they were fighting, Robin was grunting and as a few bones of her cracked a little, and her costume was damaged.

"Aagh!!!" Robin screamed

"You can't even touch me. How can you save a city, Robin, when you can't save yourself?" but a transponder started beeping, Cy, Crow, Beast Girl, and Superboy finally found Robin.

"Robin's locator signal. She's nearby!" Then they hear Robin scream, "Very nearby." They rushed in and found Robin, being beaten by no one, she was getting hurt. "Robin!" Superboy called out.

"Um... Since when is Robin into mime?" Beast Girl asked,

"SLADE!" Robin screamed out, the team gasped in terror about Robin, but then Cy flashed on light, Robin realized the team was there, "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be finding the generators!"

"I don't think there are any generators, man. We looked everywhere."

"Slade must be cloaking them, like he's cloaking himself. That's why you couldn't see him." Robin mentioned but still it didn't make any sense still.

"But If I couldn't see him, How did you?" Superboy asks,

"What are you trying to say?"

"Robin, Are you really sure you saw Slade?"

"Saw him? I fought him! You think I did this to myself?!" Robin answered back with an angry tone in a way, but Beast Girl tried to say something that tried to make sense to Robin but didn't "Dude, This is the only way out, and we were standing by her the whole time. No one got past us."

"No one was in here but us." Cy responded back the same thing, Robin didn't care,

"I don't have time for this. I have to find those generators."

"There are no generators. There is no Slade!"

"I KNOW WHAT I SAW! I have to stop him, I'm the only one who can, and I'll take down anyone who gets in my way!" Robin pulled out her knife, the team in terror about her but then Robin groaned as he got blasted from behind, it was Superboy blasted her with heat vision, with a worried look about her. Robin passed out...

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