Chapter 6

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Back at Titans Tower,

Robin slowly wakes up, to find herself strapped to the bed, struggling to get out but no use, but hears Superboy and the others talking.

"But do we really have to keep her restrained?" Superboy asked,

"She threatened us, Superboy. She's dangerous."

"Dangerous? Try totally flipped out, cuckoo, labonza! But also like that 80s character Rambo, she's gotten dangerous like him." Beast Girl sneezed as glass shatters. "We gotta run some tests on her, figure out what's going on." Crow gived out that would be the best idea to find out what's wrong with her. Then a voice enters the room, with Robin.

"Alone again, Robin?" The voice asked, "As long as I'm around, you are never alone." It is revealed to be Slade. Robin struggled once more to get out, "Relax, Robin. I promise you won't feel a thing." Slade showing a knife right in front of Robin.

With The Others,

"Please have you found out what her strange behaviour is, yet?"

"So far everything looks normal."

"But she's not normal, Robin would never do any of these things, She wouldn't threaten her friends, She won't have yelled at me or... There is a cause! And you have to find it!" Superboy can't take anything about anymore, he's too worried that something could happen to Robin but he didn't want his mind to go anything like pain or something even worse...

"Sups, I'm sure there's a good explanation, Okay? Maybe Slade really is invisible. We just can't..."

"No! He still woulda shown up on my radar, I'm telling you, he wasn't..." Cy got interrupted as she noticed Robin's heart rates going off the charts.

"Her heart rate is off the charts."

"Blood pressure. Neurokinetics. Most people can't survive this kind of stress." But then it strikes, it went to zero, Superboy's eyes were in shock, he was in terror "ROBIN!" Superboy cried out, as the others followed Superboy into the room, Robin was just in and to find... the straps cutted and Robin's body was gone.

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