Chapter Three

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"Oh petal.. If I had dismissed your actions as a once-off you would be here beside me..." Andy began to blame herself once again. All she could hear was Rose's voice. She stepped out of her bed. She had missed enough days of work, her boss had insisted two weeks off to go to the funeral, much to Andy's dismay. 

She never wanted to meet Rose's parents again. Their kindly words, their crying.. She felt as if they were silently blaming her. 

She slid her emerald green tie around her neck, finishing her sleek, uniformed look. There was never a uniform at work, yet she didn't want to look... unclean..? Unformal? She had never really thought about it. She guessed it was just polite. She prepared to be greeted by an unwanted squeeze of the hand by the eldest worker, Diana. 

Diana was an ancient being, her wrinkles and creases cutting deep into her skin. Andy hated her, no matter how loved she was by the community who worked or had been to the small business pizzeria. Andy remembered a conversation with Deborah, a middle aged woman. 

~A Year Earlier~

Andy walked past the kitchen to the staff break room, accompanied by her close friend Deborah. Andy called her a friend because, as much as she disliked the older lady, she didn't humiliate Andy as much as the others did. She had never touched Andy in all of their friendship, because Andy had hated touching. Nobody knew why. They all assumed the only person that Andy would allow to touch her is Rose and Diana. That was not the case, and Deborah knew it.

Diana slowly hobbled towards the 23 year old, smiling. "Hello, Annie. How are we today?" Andy looked at her.

"Diana, for the last time, my name is not Annie. It's Andy."

"I said that, didn't I dearie?" Diana squeezed Andy's hand. Andy rolled her eyes, much to Diana's ignorance. "I'll see you at closing time," she said, before hobbling off.

"I hope not."

Deborah  looked at her.

"Hey, Dy-Dy, why do you hate her so?"

".... Too touchy."

"A fine point. You have told her quite a number of times that your name is Andy. She needs to learn to keep to herself!"

Andy smiled a little. "Yeah."

~present time~

Andy walked in, not expecting Deborah to call into work. She had gotten a rather bad cough, and had to stay home. Diana immediately walked over, reaching her hand out to Andy.

"Dearie! It's been so long, where've you been?" 

As soon as the ancient woman's fingers touched Andy's, something snapped her. "DON'T TOUCH ME-" She screeched,  jumping away from Diana, her heart racing. She was breathing heavily. Several other co-workers whipped around, staring in shock.

".... Don't touch me. Does everyone hear me?!" A few murmurs of agreement  rang through the room, before Andy calmly walked to her schedule for the day. She rarely talked to anyone except Deborah and Diana, although her dialogue between both of them seemed one sided and short. 

She felt a hand grab her to the side. She swung at where the hand came from. "I said don't touch me!" She hissed. "Aye, does it look like I give a fuck?" A somewhat taller figure looked down at her, their hair a bright pink.

"Oh, Dez. Thought you swore never to talk to me ever since I got minty soap?" Andy grinned. "Yeah, well, I guess  even I got worried when you went off for two weeks! Where the hell were ya, Dy-Dy?" Dez imitated Deborah, making Andy chuckle a little.

Maybe forgetting would be easier than Andy thought...

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