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The room was painted in rich crimsons and golds, the garish ornateness of the furniture causing his stomach to churn. He's seated in a room full of the wealthy elite, his common dress contrasted against their rich garb sharply. They're talking endlessly, negotiating prices for his works, seeing how low he would be able to sell his artwork. It was almost demeaning, the way his presence wasn't even acknowledged at times, and though he stood at a proud six feet, he found himself fading into the background, forgotten. They had gone through the still life and landscape paintings before landing on the one in current view. He didn't know how it ended up there, as he was sure that he had given specific instructions to his house help to keep the photo at home. He was sure one of the patrons would pounce at the opportunity, so he began to find his voice, only for it to be muddled amongst the room of avaricious elite, their eyes scouring over her in a predatory stare, until he could take it no more.

"It's not for sale," he shouted into the seeming void, the exasperation in his voice evident after the never-ending bickering around him. Ri Jeong Hyeok was normally quiet, the painter never saying much, his emotions instead poured into his paintings, but this time, only this time, did he have something to say.

The room suddenly turned quiet, the abrupt outburst from the otherwise reticent artist uncalled for, heads turning to see the tall brooding man with an unreadable passion in his eyes, his pupils holding a fire in them that was rarely seen nowadays, fists clenched tight as if holding back from the violence that could erupt any minute.

"And why not?" Cho Choel Gang started "you know I have been eying this painting ever since the girl came to work here," a snarl present in his teeth as he bared his vicious canines. Cho Choel Gang was long a patron of the arts, sponsoring painters and artists alike, buying enough paintings and sculptures to fill the halls of his extensive manor, walls upon walls filled with the more priceless art the times had to offer. Jeong Hyeok had always acquiesced, the desire to show his art to the world, to showcase his immense talent, but he couldn't let this painting go, the immense need to keep it safe within his heart.

He found himself many times in the night, when only the silver moonlight shone through his tainted windows, waking up in a cold sweat, the portrait haunting his dreams, her skin harboring hues of peach, yellow and white, her doe eyes holding an infinite pool of sadness. He would light a candle in the darkness, the small flicker of the flame illuminating his sight in a soft glow and he would approach the painting with feared reverence, until he was close enough to touch it. He would take his calloused thumb, worn from mixing colors day after day, and ghost over the brush strokes, taking time to gloss over the gentle curve of her jaw, before landing on the soft parting of her plump lips. The gentle spread of her lips could be deemed as obscene for the time, but the tactile sensation of her luscious mouth bled through the portrait, his fingers tingling long after his hand had retreated shakily. He would back away slowly, never turning his back to her, his eyes never straying from hers, her pupils boring straight into his soul. Before blowing out the candle, he would turn to cast his glance upon her once more, praying that she would grace his dreams once more.

The memory haunts him, the visions of her crescent smiles flashing before him, the way she would sit in utmost stillness but he clears his throat to gain some semblance of certainty before saying "I don't care if I don't make money off of it, it is not for sale and my decision is final." With a turn of the heel, and his arms at his back, he marches out of the room, slamming the door only after he takes one more glance at the portrait, her eyes still following him no matter where he goes....


A/N: Hello readers !  I've had this story in my head for a while, but unfortunately never took the opportunity to pen it. I'm trying to push myself to write this fic because I thought it would be interesting, so let me know your comments, your thoughts, your "inklings" as to what you think so far. I hope I can provide you some entertainment during this increasingly lonely times with the second wave of COVID hitting us around the globe. Stay safe and take care of yourself always wherever in the world you may be xx

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