Red Ochre

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"I only want you.."

The words ring in her ears like the sweetest melody she could hear, the notes of his rich voice reverberating through her skin, the intonation of his admission the most welcome weight she could take upon herself. She returns his statement with the curling of her eyes, which sets off a domino effect for the rest of her features, her lips upturning decadently, her cheeks swelling with contentment.

"I wish you'd believe me, that I care for no one but you, that I want you to stand as my equal through life, as we guide each other through the highest of crests and the inevitable troughs," he whispers with a tender ferocity that sends an electric jolt to her body, each word leaving his mouth with conviction lest she try and doubt him again. 

He was still craning his neck upwards to meet her gaze, his maiden resting upon his thighs, his grip around her waist keeping her steady as he serenaded her with the amorous melody of his love for her.

"You are not simply a maiden, you are the woman with whom I wish to share my life, and I never wish to be parted from you from this day forth," he declared as his hot breath tickled her skin, the depth of his words causing her to fall down a precipice which she would gladly jump from, for she was positive he would surely catch her.

Gathering his face once more in her hands, her small palms barely able to cup his sharp jaw, she stares at his pristine features, her gentle painter's visage quite boyish when admitting his feelings. She dips a finger into the depth of his smile as he closes his eyes at the sensation, and she nods fervently to gratefully accept the breadth of love he is offering endlessly. She brings his face to her breast and cradles him there, like the times he had held her with as much intimacy, and she hopes this time he can hear the wild beating of her heart, the erratic thumping that is in tune with the rapid pulsing of her blood coursing through her veins, for now she has no reason to deny it.


The next day, Seri had been in wringing out the laundry in the yard. The harsh nip of the wind, though, did little to diminish the constant warmth that had settled within her chest. She was taking her time, allowing each piece of cloth to be wrung completely dry before glacially walking towards the clothesline and pinning the article up. She would stop, ever so often, when she thought of his steady palms upon her waist, the earnestness in his expression as he waxed his affections, the feeling of the heat radiating from his body as he beckoned her closer. Closing her eyes, she would relish the moment, catching her bottom lip between her teeth as she relived the moments from last night, taking time to pour over every sensation, lest she forget them one day.

She didn't know how long she had been standing there, the lone maiden willingly sacrificing her body towards winter chill, until a pair of large hands encircle her from behind. She didn't need to even turn around for she was already acquainted with his form, his sturdy figure providing additional heat to her petite body.

"You know you'll catch a cold if you stay out here long enough," Jeong Hyeok gently admonishes her, as he wraps his arms across her chest, the vibrations of his voice rumbling from his torso and through her skin, the oscillations of his baritone felt even in her toes.

Though she doesn't feel cold, not one bit, for the memories from last night had brought a fresh flush to her cheeks, the recollection of the caresses of his tongue against hers causing her to hold her breath, the flashbacks of his gentle hands rubbing sinful circles on her lower back fueling a warmth deep within.

She can feel his breath warm against her ear, the cold air futile against the heat of his body.

"I'm almost done Jeong Hyeok-ssi," she drawls out before adding a jab "you're leaving soon for the market anyways, what does it matter?"

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