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Another month had passed, the once jewel toned leaves now descending upon the earth, the silhouette of the trees, now lonesome as bare branches. Against the backdrop of nightfall, the limbs of the trees looked menacing, twisting upon themselves and contorting to create various shapes, their shadows haunting the pathway home.

Seri and Jeong hyeok reached her home, where he helped her dismount his bike, holding her smaller hand in his larger one, rubbing circles into the back of her palm like it was the most natural thing in the world. She hadn't grown accustomed to his touch just yet, still finding it easy to visit the perturbed sentiment that perhaps he would one day grow sick of her, that her status in society would cause him to become disenchanted by her mere existence, that one day, she would grow to be a burden to him for she provided no security to him in the way he did for her. But ever night, like clockwork, he would accompany her home, and with only the stars as their witness, her quiet painter would gaze upon her with a stare so guileless, she had to fight to maintain it, the halo of the crescent moon reflecting through his pupils.

This particular night, the lights in her home were lit, strange, given the fact that her father was, in fact blind, therefore it meant he had company. Jeong Hyeok noticed this, furrowing his brows at the soft illumination glowing through the windows.

"Will you be ok?" he said, searching her eyes like he usually did for any hint of uncertainty, for even just a fraction of discomfort.

She nods slightly, smiling lightly before bidding him good night, and though she closes the door, he stands his post at the front gate, in the small chance that she may need him.

Ever since the incident with Cho Choel Gang, he had grown more protective of her, conveniently finding himself occupying the same space she did when she went about her chores, or requiring her assistance when he was painting. She had noticed it, from the way his tea would be left cold and unattended though he made a point to have a cup when she went about sweeping the floor, or how she would always find him lingering in the kitchen when she was preparing a meal.

But she found his company grounding, like the comfort of a warm embrace, like the one he had graced upon her four weeks ago in the rain when Cho Choel Gang had tried to claim her. She thought about it at times, how even against the harsh downpour of the relentless rain, his body held a heat that flushed her skin, how he cradled her head as if she were more precious than any painting he had ever laid eyes upon, how his palm rubbed soothing circles into her lower back to mitigate her worries.

Stepping inside her home, she is greeted by her father and uncle, them both enjoying a glass of soju as they shared the stories of their youth.

"Appa, samchon, how are you both?" Seri asks, the excitement in her eyes from the welcomed visit. Her uncle, though modest, held a bit more wealth than she did, though he resided on the other side of the province. He was always insistent on taking his brother with him, to provide for him during his older age, but Seri had usually refused, adamant on being his sole caretaker. However, recently, it seemed that her father needed a bit more attention, that along with his visual impairment, he required further assistance, and with Seri's new employment, she was gone far longer than she was before, leaving him alone for most of the day.

"Seri-ya, I see you're coming home late again. Your appa has been telling me you're working very hard," her uncle says with mock reproach, but truly he is grateful that Seri is hardworking, that she has an innate desire to help her family though it may cause detriment to herself.

"Sorry samchon, I am working with Master Ri, he is a well-known painter in the area, and he requires assistance with his paintings."

"Nonsense, I'm proud of you Seri-ya, but I came to check on your father and it seems he's doing a little worse than before, so I wanted to take him to stay with me for a while. That way I can get him so more medical treatment if he needs," her uncle offered.

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