Episode four: Trick or treat freak

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Flashbacks reveal that Eleven escaped from the Upside Down but was forced to hide from agents. In the present, it is Halloween. Eleven asks Hopper if she can go trick-or-treating, but Hopper insists that she needs to remain hidden until he can reach an agreement with Owens allowing her to live a normal life, frustrating the homebound Eleven. More pumpkin fields rot across town and

Hopper discovers an organic substance – similar to the substance in the lab – in the fields. Nancy wants to tell Barb's parents the truth about her death, but Steve says it is a bad idea, as the agents might come after them if they told anyone the truth. Instead, they attend a Halloween party, where Nancy gets drunk and berates Steve for his lack of empathy for Barb's parents. Steve leaves and Jonathan takes Nancy home.

The boys go trick-or-treating and are later joined by Max. During the night, Will has another episode and tells Mike about his visions, leading Mike to admit that he is trying to contact Eleven. Eleven tries to contact Mike using her powers but is unsuccessful. Dustin returns home after trick-or-treating and finds a strange creature in his trash can.

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