Ch. 13 "Bea"

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                                                Jordan POV 

To say the boys were worried was an understatement and ever since then I can't even get up without them worrying, 

It was starting to get on my nerves, 

Right now everyone was dancing while Peter played his flute, 

Felix is leaning against a tree, and I see Bea, sitting on a log just looking at the ground, 

So I decided I would go over and talk to him not so obviously since everyone was busy having fun they didn't notice me get up, 

I sat down next to him, 

He looked over at me, 

"Hi," I said as I smiled 

"Hi?" He said confused,

"I'm Jordan what's your name?' I asked even though I knew the answer, 

"Bea," He said 

"It's nice to meet you," I said as I smiled 

He smiled back,

I looked around making sure no one was paying attention, 

"Do you want to see something cool?" I asked 

He nodded 

I Cupped my hands together and slowly started lifting my cupped top hand and a Blue rose formed, 

His eyes got wide, 

I handed it to him, 

"There is a entire field of them, but its too close to Indian Territory," I said sadly 

"They are my favorite," I said 

"They are pretty"  Bea said 

I nodded, 

"Hey Jordan do you know how to get off the island?" Bea asked me 

"Why would you want off the island?" I asked 

"Because I don't belong here I'm not lost," He said 

"Your not?" I said tilting my head 

"The shadow brought me here before Hook found me," He said 

"Hook?" I said 

"Oh you mean Killian!" I said smiling 

He chuckled 

"You mean Peter's shadow brought you here?" I said 

He nodded 

"And I want to go home, how do I get home Jordan, How do I get off this god forsaken island," He said looking at me with sad eyes, 

I went to open my mouth but,I guess Felix could see the distress in my face, 

"She's not the one you should be asking," Felix said crossing his arms 

"Pan is the only one who knows how to get off this island," Felix said picking me up

"Come on," He said as we walked away, 

I looked at Felix, 

"Let's go to the beach," Felix said smirking 

I nodded 

With that we left the camp,

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