Ch. 15 "Bully's"

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                                                           Kaley POV 

Ever since I found Hayley I've been well, I've been sticking to her side like glue according to Rebekah, My sister is going to have a baby, 

And I can hear the heartbeat it's very interesting, 

But the thing at Night I smell something I smell another wolf at night, but when I wake up no one is there I don't know exactly what it meant, 

But the full moon is approaching and right now I was just crawling out of bed, I take a shower, to ease my Fever, I feel my fever I feel my aches, 

Me and Hayley went to a shop and get some wolfsbane I don't know what she was doing with it but I didn't like the smell, 

We were sitting on a bench while Hayley was talking to herself she drops the cup filled with wolfsbane, 

We hear a twig break and I stand up, 

"Dumb move coming into the Quarter you're coming with me wolf," The vampire said to Hayley 

He looked at me confused 

"What are you?" He asked me 

Pft, Like I'm gonna tell a blood sucker 

"I had it up to here with vampires telling me what to do," Hayley said 

She trows the cup of liquid in his face the vampire screams in pain, 

"Hayley," I said grabbing her pant leg seeing the other two vampires 

suddenly someone snaps one of their necks, 

My eyes glow and I feel my canines start to bare, the other vampire looked at me in shock 

I growled, 

It was Rebekah, and my eyes returned to normal and so did my teeth, 

"Now that is no way to treat a pregnant lady or child I do hate bad manners," Rebekah said 

She throws the heart of the other vampire on the ground 

Later Klaus and Hayley were outside talking 

My vision was blurring, 

"you okay doll you don't look so good," Rebekah asked 

She put her hand on my head, 

"Kaley your burning up!" She said 

"Nik, Hayley get in here!" She yelled and that is the last thing I heard before blacking out 

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