Part 3

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It was the start of another day and Maya hated it. Though she would see her friends, like she normally did, and she was excited to see them... She wasn't looking forward to Tristan.

The counselor did say his suspension would immediately start tomorrow; which partially annoyed her and partially pleased her. I just have to wait one day, Maya thought, just today...

She arrived by the door to her Art class, where only a few students who were early were there in their seats, fiddling around with their stuff as Maya walked in. She sat down, beginning on an art project as the class eventually grew with people and time went by. But as Maya drew she realized it was in fact Tristan's face which was drawn on the fine paper instead of what she wanted to draw. Maya, disturbed by how well she drew him in detail, realized she was thinking about him way too much.

As the class ended shortly after, she gripped the paper close towards her chest and headed towards her next class, Spanish. As Maya ran to get there early in order to do her work the quickest she could, she ran into something, well someone, with familiar, piercing cold eyes.

"Hey, what-" Maya stopped talking as she saw Tristan's blank face as her hands had somehow been placed on his chest and her body close. The drawing fell to the ground like a leaf and he lowered himself to pick it up, scan it with his eyes, and a slightly creepy smile that had the faint tint of what she perceived as sadness.

"A drawing? Well, I feel special! It's really cute <3" Tristan laughed as he gripped the drawing even more. His smile was fading a little as he continued. "... so cute... hah..."

Maya was shivering right now, fearful even though other people were around. He wouldn't do anything... with other people around, she thought, right? Right?

"Tristan, look we need to talk about last time..." Maya gulped as she was about to continue, trying her best to reason with him. "... what you did was really bad, Tristan, but I still want to talk to you. I still want to be near you so... friends again, please?"

Tristan paused, his face a little hopeful when she said that she wanted to be near him but suddenly let down by the obvious friend-zone. However, to Maya it seemed like he'd agree to it. Seemed like it.

"... Only if you stop talking to the tomato-twit."

Maya froze. He meant... Michael...?


"... I don't trust him, Maya. He's seems like he's nice but he's probably some psycho on the inside."

Maya flinched, a nerve inside of her breaking as she heard him speak so ill of Michael and so hypocritical of himself. Tristan, that hypocrite...! He's, he's...!

"Shut up! You don't know anything little shit!"

Then she stopped and paused; immediately regretting saying that.

How could she do that? Say that one line? That one line that she heard his father say when they were playing in the garden during the young age they had first met.!That young golden age where memories were born and so was love. How could she forget? He wasn't just some other crush like Michael. He was more. He was her golden age and a living memory. He was love, joy, and happiness.

He was bigger then the world and the universe itself.

He was someone who she didn't want to ever be forgotten.

"I'm sorry..." Maya muttered softly with her head down; her hair covering her face.

"Why?" Tristan said with a blank voice, which was too disturbing since it sounded like he was used to pain. And she... had caused him the most so far.

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