Part 5

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Okay, okay I swear this time it'll be the last part, I promise! Anyway, thanks for reading this! Being on here makes me feel like a 110 views are a lot (but not really compared to most people's stories, unfortunately). Happy 100 view day!!

Anyway, let's begin... >:D


Her throat and mouth were dry and lacking moisture from all of her silent screams under Michael's rough hand. Her body twitched under his weight and pressure, Maya feeling hurt all over by the uncomfortable walking position he had forced her in. But despite all the physical and emotional pain she was feeling right now... well... even pain can succumb to fear, right?

"Hey, Maya, tell me where Tristan's classroom is... pretty please?" Michael chirped as he removed his hand over her mouth temporarily with a gleeful look in his eyes. That made Maya even more afraid, more afraid of him rather then that of the gun. Because evil was not the weapon... evil was it's beholder.

Maya shook her head to signal a no, immediately being responded with Micahel's free hand to be placed on her neck; squeezing it in a single, suffocating and breathless second.

Maya squealed before only being given enough air to whimper in the tightening grasp around her neck.

"So, hey, pretty please... pretty please tell me where Tristan is... again? I love you... please, sweetie? My little sweetie..."


Eventually, since Michael wasn't that stupid after all, found his classroom; the one he had been threatening her about for he past ten minutes as Michael checked every door. Maya's heart began to pound as she realized that Eryn and a few friends were in there along with Tristan and his serious face as he worked on some paper; all by glancing through the door's little side window. Michael's face brightened up sadistically, seeing that he had found the right destination.

"Looks like we won the game, Maya," Michael chuckled. "Since Tristan lost he's gonna have to pay~"

Then, like a fleeting moment, as Maya prayed for god even though she did not beleive, the slightly opened door had swung open; letting Michael bring her inside with the weapon still to her head. Maya could only see flashes of the scene as her mind suddenly went into shock, seeing only glimpses of the classroom's petrified and frightened expressions all in slow motion. Had she wanted to be in this state; only witnessing a glimpse of reality? No, but... Maya did prefer it this way.

Silent and undisturbed.

A sudden gun shot shook her out of the trance, looking at Michael as he had no longer had it pointed it her but at the direction which Tristan was at, a clear bullet-shaped hole burned into the wall by his head. A miss? No, a warning.

"Say, Tristan, haven't you been kind of weird lately?" Michael laughed, his eyes dark and plain. "You've been treating Maya like such a little cunt that I, her boyfriend, have to get in the way? Wow, so bothersome! No wonder no one likes you~"

Tristan gritted his teeth, from what Maya could see, but did not answer. This only made Michael angrier, gripping the gun tighter as Maya stood by his side with extreme anxiety and fear.

A girl freaked out (which Maya assumed had suddenly gone mad) and tried to head towards the door. With no hesitation in his eyes or actions, he swung the gun towards her direction with one, sweeping motion. The loud crack of the bullet being shot echoed in the silent room as the girl, whose hand was on the handle, slowly collapsed as dark blood seeped through her fine, white blouse. A life... had been taken. What life would she have if she wasn't dead? Go to college? Get a job? Marry? Have kids? Vacation to some exotic place?

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