Part 4

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Darkness was everywhere and just faint, oh, so very faint, outlines of different shapes were seen in the tiny room that was the size of a janitor's closet. Well... it probably was, in fact, based on the mop in the corner but Maya didn't care. She was still struggling to get out of the kidnapper's grip.

Maya was facing the blackened wall as the person held onto her mouth and wrists from behind; preparing for the worse. But as she expected the person to do something horrific (since, most likely, he was an adult trespassing onto school grounds), Maya felt the hand over her mouth be removed, slowly, as well as letting go of her wrists gradually at the same time and momentum.

Maya gritted her teeth in frustration, taking this chance to turn around and slap who had been attacking her with a fierce and cunning fury. Although she knew she would do better just running away the moment the person would let go, Maya's extreme fear had gone to her head and told her to attack her attacker.

She felt relieved, stretching her arm and hands... until Maya recognized the person's face; giving her the shivers.

"Michael...?!" Maya said in a stunned, sorrowful tone of voice. "S-Sorry...! I-I thought you were..e.."

Maya stopped talking as she saw his face, clearly seeing the reddened area where she slapped him and his bright, bright green eyes showing even through the enveloping darkness. It was that of an animal, though appearing cool and collective, was ready to pounce on it's prey.

"Maya..." Michael said in a flat tone. Maya shivered at the rough, serious tone such a sweet guy could make. "I'm sorry for taking you so randomly, but you left early before I could finish..."

Maya blinked, a little surprised by his reference to earlier events but quickly responded. "Sorry, I had to go to class-"



Maya gulped, flinching at that single word that was more petrifying then a thousand.

"Tell me the truth, Maya. What were you afraid of? That I would find something out? Something secret?" Michael hissed at the last word. Only a stone with no heart nor soul was speaking to Maya now.

"What's the matter...? Why do you care so much, Michael? Come on, let's just go back-"


Michael slammed his fist against the door, blocking Maya's way of escape as he moved even closer to her in the darkness. He moved his hands onto her shoulders, griping tighter as he noticed Maya's immediate flinch to his touch.

"No... No...t..." Michael began to growl. "Not before you tell me why... why did you forgive Tristan!? After what I did for you?! I saw it all, Maya, so don't try to hide it from me!!!"

"Michael, stop-" Maya cried out, interrupted again.

"Even after those times I made sure I was PLAYING your fun, little nice guy, even after I made sure he could see us SO happy, even after I made sure you found that bloody letter I WROTE, even after those times I REALLY wanted to kill your BITCHY friends just to be alone with you; you... you forgave him after what he did to you because he was your fucking childhood crush!? A fucking childhood crush?!!?!?"

Maya was frozen, her body ice and the room chilled with the freezing silence that soon followed his statement. Her mind wavered, thinking of a next thought but only fumbling with unspoken words.

Nice guy? So he was just playing nice, she thought, this whole time? Just to fool her into making her love him? And the letter...? So he pretended it was Tristan...? Her friends... were they truly in his way? Was that what made him uncomfortable so long ago? But... But...

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