Chapter Six: The New Jokul

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I've been at sea for 30 fokking years, even before the first thaw, but in all of me wildest dreams I never would have ever imagined I would make a deal with the devil himself. The day after was indeed strange. After the handshake, I couldn't remember anything... I woke up in the morning in me bed with me normal sheets and pillow soaked in water and so were me clothes. To top it all off, I also had a severe headache and I went to the bathroom to take a pill. I washed me face in the bathroom sink and I noticed something strange in me face in the mirror. Me right eye which was brown in color was suddenly glowing blue. I held me face to the mirror as I explored the sparkling new color that me eye has turned to, "Maybe it wasn't a dream?" I asked meself loudly. "Did he mess me up? Maybe he did something bad to my body?" Me mind began to run wild with fear and confusion. Then I decided to go outside for some fresh air on the deck in an attempt to try and digest the situation regarding me eye, but as I stepped out of me room into the open air I realized something particularly strange. I felt warm, very warm.

Something was weird. I was deep in the Arctic sea and although not much of it is left, it was still the fokking Arctic, yet I felt a strange heat wave despite it all. 'the thawing is getting worse' I thought to meself, but I didn't have time to delve into the situation because right after I began to recover from the headaches I realized I was in a collision course with an iceberg that didn't look super durable. "I'm not going through these fokkers again!" I told meself as I ran to the steering wheel and started to turn the ship tightly and carefully while noticing that the steering wheel is not as cold as it usually is... Me thoughts were interrupted by a terrible sound of cracking and shattering - The iceberg broke off! The huge shadow of the iceberg, which was crashing down towards me, grew at an unprecedented rate until the sun was blocked by it. mere seconds away from me. 'This devil deceived me! What power exactly!? ...AY!! ... Apparently it

was a dream, it was a dream! I can't believe I'm going to die like that. I deserve this because of what happened to Eric'. Thoughts flashed through me mind while I saw the iceberg in front of me head. I quickly covered me head with me hands as a reflex when... It happened... A strange voice filled me ears, a sound ... An icey sound, but not a sound of crashing ice. Something ... Something else. I slowly lifted me head and noticed that the stifling heat I was feeling was weakening. It felt like a huge air conditioner was operating over me head. I opened me eyes and then I saw it. A huge stream of ice that seemed to generate from where I was standing. The huge stream plugged back the crashing ice and patched up the glacier. The stream looked wildly spiky, shimmering in the sunlight. As I tried to understand what happened I looked at me hands. They were covered in ice. I was covered in ice. Strangely, I was not cold. "An ability to let me change things Ay...." I thought to meself as I was getting down on me knees. I was in shock from the discovery that I was able to create ice from me body. I was sitting on me knees, just processing, understanding, realizing this new ability and the first thing on me head was not "I am a monster! What have I done?" But something else came to me head "How do I fokking use it now?"

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