Chapter Seven: The Plan Set In Motion

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Two years have passed since that day. The day when I became more than just a man, I gained the ability to make a change. Every day for the last two years has felt the same- Getting up to a bed full of water. I still couldn't figure out why I was sweating so much. I was sitting on the deck, making cold tea to cool me heat waves and after all that... Training. Training, training and more training. The power I got is great and me plans are even greater. For that, I oughta be ready and prepared. All of those workouts did bring about results, but also problems. Over the past few months I felt like I'm losing too much weight and me clothes have become worn out, ragged, punctured and they kept ripping apart. I've had to sew and stitch them back together more than a few times.
The situation in the world is deteriorating more and more with each passing day. Just a few months ago the world news announced that Sicily had completely drowned. As much as I have to keep working on me abilities, what I have managed to achieve thus far will have to do. Time to recruit the mates.

Iceland has changed a lot in these last two years. All that is left is the inside of the island with the emergency shelters and some underground structures. All the towns on the island have been completely wiped out by the rising sea level. I came here with a purpose. I need to find the old team. They are the only ones that can surely help me with me great plan and I know exactly how to find them. After all, just today, two years ago, we all lost a close friend. I turned the ice off me body and anchored.

My former team; Raghanhor, Stir, Anderson and Bartor gathered at Eric's small grave, placing a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of whiskey. I could see them from up the hill I was coming from. Raghanhor stepped forward to the grave and said " I wish I could bury you in your hometown Eric, but I hope you are satisfied here." Bartor came close and talked to the group. "When I was younger I sailed alone in the Norwegian fjords. When my ship was crushed by an avalanche, I sank into the freezing cold water. I thought I was done, I started to think 'what did I do wrong to deserve this' but then I lost my consciousness. Three days later I realised that I was saved by a few norwegians and found myself in Tromso. Norwegians are remarkable guys!" Everybody listened to the story and Stir started to pour the drink. Raghanhor began talking with a little grin on his face, "This seems to me like the first time your stories actually interest me you know." Bartor frowned and Anderson added. "Ay It's definitely better than the story when you convinced that Swedish trader to sell you his pants." Everyone started grinning and Bartor asked Anderson in a sarcastic voice "At least you can understand me when I'm talking Anderson, but to this day not one of us has really understood how you lost your leg". Raghanhor asked Anderson "How really is your leg? You haven't made any 'improvements' lately?" Anderson bent down to his metal leg and showed everyone a special compartment he added to his leg to store cigarettes. "Pretty neat Aye? But I'm still not telling you how I lost it." Stir looked at Anderson and said "Maybe now you will be able to beat me in checkers. Hide a few pieces in your leg!" Stir cracked up together with the rest of the guys. "So how is the lady, Ragnahorn?" Stir asked after all of them calmed down.
"Oh she's mighty fine. The birth was a bit hard on her, but it ain't nothing she can't get through." Ragnahorn said and Anderson Responded, "These are Swedish women for ya. Ragnahorn you lucky Bastard...."

Everyone grinned and raised their glasses for Eric, when I finally reached them. "You know you still haven't returned me the bottle of whiskey that you owe me, Raghanhor. I'm still waiting for that glass. it will be nice to have it now." I interrupted unexpectedly as "Jokul?! Is that you? What the hell happened to you? You look completely... Neglected." Bartor exclaimed with complete surprise. Stir looked in amazement and stood in silence. Raghanhor looked at Jokul as he approached them and shouted, "Don't come near us you fucking abandoning backstabber! How dare you to come here and say things like that you old fool! You look awful."
"I feel better than ever. Good to see you guys, I've barely seen a soul for the past two years." Jokul said with a confident face, but behind his eyes, there was deep, remorseful loneliness.
"Why are you here Jokul? I thought you permanently abandoned us!" Stir snapped.

"I would tell you what happened to me these two years but it would be easier to just demonstrate. We don't have much time and we have much work." I said confidently, with hope radiating from me glowing right eye. I took off me shirt and began to cover me body with ice out of thin air. The team members stood in astonishment as I put me right hand on the floor and formed three pillars of ice around me from the ground without moving any muscle. "Monster!" Anderson screamed and fell to the floor. Stir and Ragnahorn looked on in amazement and fear while saying nothing. I smiled and said "Listen people, two years ago I got this amazing gift that saved me life several times and I have great plans for this power! With me own hand I can freeze anything! I finally have the ability to create change! Unprecedented change! A change that might change the history of the world. I intend to cruise to the North Pole's center. To stand right in the center and use me power to re-freeze the entire fokking North Pole! If I can do this the water level will go down and people will be able to get back to safe land. What do you reckon people, who's with me?!" I acted excited, as if giving a pep talk before a mission.

Everyone stared in disbelief at a man who was once their captain and who seemed to be out of his mind and humanity. "You... You're just crazy... Get away from me monster! I am a Dad now. I have a small carpentry business and I do not intend to follow an insane and dangerous old man!" Ragnahorn said. I was upset about Ragnahorn but after what happened to Eric I had a feeling he would not join easily. I looked at Anderson enthusiastically, he looked at me back and said "If I won't come with ya, will you kill me?" I Looked at him with a surprised look and said, "Obviously not, me old friend. I simply don't understand how you wouldn't jump at this opportunity to help your beloved captain, even after I shared with you the story of me life that I did not tell anyone for 20 ye..." Anderson interrupted me and suddenly his accent disappeared completely "I ran away .... That's how I lost my leg. A gang broke into our house, and as if karma spat in my face, it was during the second Thaw. The waves crashed into our house and the house started crumbling under the strong waves... Me and my brother ran for it, to outside the house, but the roof fell on us and the assailants. It crushed my brother yet I could see he's still alive under the rubble. And for me, I completely shattered and tore my leg. My brother reached with his hand to me from withing the rubble, and whispered 'help me, please.' over and over. His eyes were locked with mine but... I turned my eyes away. I crawled towards the entrance of the house as it was being slowly filled with water while hearing the last breaths of my brother, not daring to look back at him on the way out as he was drowning under the rubble and water. I made an arterial tourniquet out of my shirt. I floated in the water for hours until help came. The reason I joined you Jokul was because of guilt. Unfortunately that's what I am. Like I told you Jokul. Not everyone can think of others before themselves. I have come to the accept who I am and I am not willing to risk my life on such a senseless suicide mission."The entire team was shocked by Anderson's Truth. Ragnar put his hand on Anderson and looked at me with a sour face "We part here Captain, good luck to you." Raghanhor and Anderson took Bartor who was frozen with horror and shock and walked away.
"Cowards! Until we finally have a chance to fix the world, a real chance!" I shouted at the running sailors and then looked at Stir, who remained, for a moment. I lifted the ice from me body and said "His death was not in vain, Stir. Thanks to this gift. Please help me. The 'Icebreaker'... It's not what it used to be. I need a technician and I need... I need a friend."

Stir looked at me with a frightened face, "The seas have become dangerous, Captain. I do not know where you isolated yourself in the last two years but the pirate activities in the pole went up and boomed. The amount of desperate polar bears ready to attack humans without thinking twice is in the sharp rise as well." Stir said with a worried voice.
"I was self-isolating at remote areas so I won't be discovered, Stir. But it's time to 'help' the whole world to find out what I can do. So what do you say, Stir?" I asked enthusiastically, trying to bloom hope in his heart.
"I'll join... Jokul." Stir answered quietly, hesitant, suspicious.
"Let's start right away Stir, who needs the rest with this power? I can finally change something for real. Come on, let's go freeze the pole!" I encouraged Stir, putting me arms on his shoulders and grabbing him to walk along with me.

After a few steps and a few close looks, Stir turned white in shock. "Captain, now that I see you up close... You're shorter... Much shorter. And smaller." These words initially confused and made Jokul lift an eyebrow. Shortly after, these words penetrated deep into Jokul. They continued walking a few moments in complete silence and then a smile came to Jokul's face.He suddenly stopped, chuckled and mumbled to himself, "I should have known that there would be some catch for it all. You bastard... Well at least it explains the soaked bed every morning." Jokul turned his head to Stir, "Everything is fine, I guess the increasing heat in recent years has hurt your memories. let's go, the IceBreaker is waiting." 

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