🐯🐱 : Shooting Star

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PAIRING : Min Yoongi | Suga & Kim Taehyung | V

Holding both their small chubby hands together as they closed their eyes and made a wish.

/I wish to be with Taetae forever/

/I wish that Yoonyoon and I will be together forever and ever and ever and ever!/

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It has always been Yoongi and Taehyung from the beginning.

They've been joined by the hip ever since they were kids, holding hands as they lay on the grass, looking up at the night sky and trying to catch a shooting star.

"Yoonyoon!" little Taehyung enthusiastically pointed at the sky, interrupting little Yoongi when he saw a shooting star.

"Wish! Wish!" little Yoongi said excitedly, sitting up with his friend and holding both their small chubby hands together as they closed their eyes and made a wish.

/I wish to be with Taetae forever/

/I wish that Yoonyoon and I will be together forever and ever and ever and ever!/

And both young boys believed that they were heard and that the shooting star will grant their wish.


As the two grew older, they learned more about themselves and their bond grew stronger. A lot of things changed, but Yoongi believed and hoped that what he and Taehyung had would never change.

Holding hands while laying down, tranquil and happy as they watched the night sky together, before wishing on a shooting star.

/I wish that nothing would change and we'd be together for a long time/

"Taehyung! You finally-" Yoongi paused, his gummy smile slowly disappearing when he saw a boy standing next to his best friend.


"Meet Jiminie!"

Yoongi didn't know what to think. He'd always thought that this place was their special spot, something special between them.

Only the two of them. Only Yoongi and Taehyung.


"Jiminie, that's the big dipper!" Taehyung laughed when the other failed to name the constellation right.

"It's just so hard! There are too many stars," Jimin whined, giving up and cuddling closer to the taller instead.

There was a bubbling feeling in Yoongi's chest as he just watched the two, sitting next to them with his back against a tree and his hand empty as he made a wish.

This time, Yoongi was not really sure if the stars heard his wish.


"Again?" Yoongi asked, unable to hide the disappointment in his voice as Taehyung once again cancelled on him.

"Yeah, sorry, I'm just kinda uh busy right now," Taehyung said from the other line before hanging up.

At some point, Yoongi stopped trying and Taehyung didn't bother either. Their little spot staying empty for a while before Yoongi had the courage to come back.

Cold and alone on the day of his birthday. A day little him would have never expected he would spend alone instead of with Taehyung.

"Even my stars?" he asked in a whisper when he looked up at the night sky that was void of everything other than darkness.

He looked down at his lap and then slowly, his tears started to fall, wetting his cheeks.

He didn't know how long he spent crying there, trying to remember how Taehyung used to hold his hand tenderly and make them warm, how he used to look at him like his eyes held the stars and his smile was more beautiful than the moon.

Now, even when alone, under the night sky that held no stars, even with cold hands and tears in his eyes, he made a wish.

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