the entrance exam

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i was just walking trough the streets of Musutafu when a flyer catches my eye: U.A. High school for upcoming heroes entrance exam. you could apply now to take it. 

(this conversation is in Michelles mind so people dont hear them talking)

'Ennard? do you think i should do it?' i ask to the spagetti looking animatronic

'sure go for it' he replies 

'are you sure about it Michelle? its dangerous knowing from al the information i gathered' says Glitchtrap

'geez Glitch don't worry im already dead what could happen and i mean you know how bad i want to be a hero'say i

'you've only been here for an month Michelle how do you know aready'

'shut up Glitch i can handle myself you know'

' hm hm... and who got you that appartement then?'teases he back

'okay okay i need your help maby a little bit. but cam we pleaseee applyyyy??'

'alright but how do you want to pay the school money if you pass then?'asks Glitch

'well i still work the night shifts from 12-6 at the location soo i can use that money'

'uhm Michelle if you want to go that bad mabye you have to go and apply bc i think many people will apply and you don't want to miss this chance' says Ennard

at the entrance exam 

'*sigh* here goes nothing'i say while i walk trough the gates of U.A.. I see a green haired boy almost tripping when an brown haired girl lets him float, i guess that that's her quirk.

when in inside we get assinged seats and a pro hero named Present Mic explains how the exam works until he gets intrupted by a boy with glasses and blue hair, he talks about that on the file there 4 robot's and not three and when he's done he says: 'you with the green hair i don't know what you're doing here but you've been muttering the whole time and it's disturbing. i'm sorry please coninue.' Present Mic just continues and assinged us battle fields i get field 6.

when i'm at field 6 i don't really see anyone i've seen before. 'and now begin!!' screams the intercom. i just sit at the entrance and let Glitch just block the robots. when the time is up i think i've got enough points to make it to the school and go with a happy feeling home.

A few weeks pass and i get an letter from U.A. i derectley open it and see All Might as an hologram.

I am here to congratulate you young Afton and say that you have been accepted to U.A. and you're probably wondering why i'm here, well that's because i am gonna be a teacher at U.A..

And with that i've been accepted into U.A.

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