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quick A.N. i really want to thank you guys for voting it made my day and i'm sorry for not uploading i've been really busy btw if you don't get anything or i made an spelling mistake please comment!! or just say hi that would make my day!! also hi classmates! :D also story suggestions would be appreciated :)

a few days passed and i could finally go to UA i was really exited but i almost overslept so Ennard had to come out and wake me up. When i finally woke up and saw Ennard outside my body i got pissed because he got out trough my stomach and there dripped some oil down(AN because she doesn't have any organs she doesn't have any blood either so she runs on oil). but then he told me that i only had half an hour left so i told him to get in trough my mouth. i cleaned up and put on my school-uniform, that was delivered with my acceptance, and put my dark brown hair in a ponytail. i looked at the clock and it was almost time so i begged Glitch if he could teleport/glitch to the school. surprisingly he agreed and glitched me just a few centimeters for the classroom door so my nose almost touched the door. 

when i walked in my classmates were surrounding a certain green haired boy who i knew as the boy who almost tripped at the exam. i also saw the blue haired choppy-hand dude who was looking kinda angry about something. as i walked to my seat i saw an duo-colored hair boy who looked really emotionless, i also saw a kid who had spiky hair and looked like an angry pomerian. 

when i sat down i saw on the clock that there were a few minutes left before class would start so i decided to talk a little to the souls in my head

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when i sat down i saw on the clock that there were a few minutes left before class would start so i decided to talk a little to the souls in my head.(m=michelle e=ennard g=glitchtrap f=nightmare foxy/micheal)

m:hey guys

e: hey Eggs

m: my name isn't Eggs burnt spaghetti

e: hand-unit thinks different about that Eggs Benedict

m: really?

e: yes

g: what did you want Mich?

m: oh ye, well actually could you look some info up about our classmates? boys first please

g: Aoyama quirk: navel-laser pretty strong quirk but if longer used than a second he gets an stomach ache. it's a good guy but he's really obsessed with cheese and glitter. oh and he's kind of french.

Bakugou quirk: explosions it's a really strong quirk but with his attitude he isn't really fit to be an hero but with the info i have he will be a hero in the future. he's not really a guy you should be friend with i think but you could try.

Iida quirk: engines he is really fast and comes from an really rich family his brother is the famous hero ingenium. he is an really strict dude and bossy he can't do anything about it though cuz if you're rich you always will follow the rules and shit.

Kaminari quirk: electonica he can make huge amounts of volt and send it he also would fit perfectly as phone charger, i wouldn't do it though if he sneezes he can turn off the whole buildings lights. its a good guy though

Kirishima quirk: hardening he can basically harden his whole body. its a good guy with a lot of insecurities and he dyed his hair from black to red he looks a lot cooler now tbh. it's a good guy friend material for sure.

Koda quirk: he can talk to animals but he is sacred of bugs. he doesn't talk a lot and many people think he's mute but he's an good guy and just loves animals

Midoriya quirk: one for all he kind of inherited it from a hero called All Might, don't tell Midoriya that you know about this power because only some a few people know about it and they are very close to All Might. he's nice but mumbles a lot and want to know a lot about youre 'quirk' so i wouldn't come too close to him so he doesn't find out

Ojiro quirk: his quirk is basically his tail ye, just his tail it's like another limb and he can use it really good. he's also really good at karate. good guy not really friend stuff though.

Sato quirk: sugar-rush if he eats sugar he gets stronger if he eat a lot of sugar. he also likes baking very much.

Sero quirk:tape he can make tape out of his elbows. chill dude and half hispanic he could be a smoke buddy if you look at him but he doesn't smoke weird enough. 

Shoji quirk: arms he has six arms and cam produse any limb you want on it. he's a cool dude

Todoroki quirk: half cold-half hot basically what it says has childhood-trauma because his mother threw boiling water over his eye. he's scared of kettles now lol. he is being forced by his father pro hero Endevor to be an hero his older brother Touya is now known as villian Dabi but he doesn't know cuz he thinks Touya is dead. he's an pretty chill dude once you get to know him

Tokoyami quirk: Dark Shadow his quirk is like an whole different person and if Tokoyami is in the dark his quirk can get out of control his weaksness is light. its a cool dude and likes dark. i think i could be bffs with that dude if i had a real body.

Mineta quirk: balls he has balls at the top of his head and ye stuff. he acts like an perv infront of everyone but is broken inside. his father is divorced with his mom and he lives with his dad. his dad takes every night another woman to bed and takes them down(if yk yk), sometimes his father forces him to look, that why he acts pervy in front of other girls. you really should try to be his friend and then he will hopefully open up and tell you his whole back-story, you could try to be his first friend!

m: holy Asahi that was a lot of info thanks Glitch but i think the teacher is gonna come in in like any moment from now so i'm going to listen to the teacher now.

''if you're here to make friend you can go now'' is what an yellow caterpillar says ''it took you all 8 seconds to shut up. my name is Shota Aizawa and i'm your new homeroom teacher. change your clothes to the p.e.-uniform and meet me at the field.''

when i walk with the girls to the locker-room i think of a plan of how i could change but not let them see my stomach and other wounds. but then i remebered that i had an tank-top on and bandages to cover my wounds. i had covered up my wounds last night because i was scratching them open and oil leaked out.

when we were in the locker-room i stood with my head turned to the walls and was rushing to get my p.e. clothes on. when i was done i saw all the girls starring at me and i was hoping deeply that the oil din't leak trough the bandages, but i was almost an 100% sure that it did because why else would they be starring? i shrugged off and walked outside to the rest of the class.

A/N 1252 words yay :D i hope you enjoyed and stuff!! it's currently midnight at where i live lol but hey i would really appreciate it if you correct spelling mistakes or just say hi :)) i'm really sowwy for not updating but thank you guys so much for the 2 votes!! (i literally said this at the beginning lol) i'm gonna try to update more frequently but i have school and much homework so ye...

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