Quirk Apprehension Test

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when i walked out of the locker-room i saw the Mineta-guy that Glitch was talking about and saw him walking up to me."hey pretty lady" is what the purple-ball guy said                                                                                     "hi i'm Afton Michelle! what's your name?" is what i answer and he looks actually surprised that i answered without saying'eww'                          "well pretty lady my name is Mineta Minoru!" and at that moment the other girls came walking in, Mineta rushed as fast as he could to do his pervy things and ofcourse the girls responded with 'eww' like i was supposed to do but didn't. 

the teacher started talking "so Bakugo you scored first in the entrance-exam how many meters could you throw a ball in middle school?" "about 65 meters i think?'' is what bakugo answers.     " well try to do the same thing now but use your quirk" so he takes the ball from aizawa and throws it while he screams 'DIEEEEEEEEEEE' aizawa thakes out an weir thingy and it says '705.2 meters' 

i hear someone say "seems fun" but aizawa said "seems fun huh? well the one in last place gets expelled so get ready"

the first thing we had to do was the 50-meter dash and i got an pretty impressive score. well i basically just asked Glitch to teleport me so i had an score of 0.1 second and everyone was looking really weird at me lol.

the second thing up was grip strength i had to do this by my self because i didn't want people asking about Ennard. still i got an impressive score i had 100 kg because if you have to deal everyday animatronics, which are really heavy btw, you'll get alot stronger. apperently there was an guy called 'shoji' who got an score of 540.0 kg.

next up was standing long jump and ofc i asked Glitchtrap to teleport me again. 

after that we had reapeted side-steps in which i scored pretty good with Glitch teleporting me again.

then we had the ball throw test and some people took really long so i had an discussion with our favorite souls in my head i don't even know what it was about lol, i got so distracted with it that i didn't even realize that is was my turn so aizawa had to flick my forehead with his finger to get my attention. when i finally stood in the field i asked an question that probably nobody asked before: "Yo aizawa-sensai where do you want the ball?" yes that was the question that was probably not asked before. i quickly added " do you want it going out of the atmosphere and have it as another planet going around the sun?" ye i think i broke them at that moment because i got no answer for an whole minute. but when he finally answered he said:"s-sure if you can do that. and with that i just threw the ball and when it was far enough i let Glitch glitch it away. aizawa took out the thingy aigan and it showed inifite like uraraka.

after that we had 3 another tests in which i scored pretty average. when we where all done aizawa showed us the results, in which i was second and midoriya last i think he was crying and at that moment i realized someone was watching us so i quickly turned around to figuere out who it was, and i locked my eyes with someone that i reconized as the one who came out as an hologram out of the U.A. thingy, i think he got scared of the image of me seeing him so he turned away. while i was doing that the girls where hyping me up and some boys where trying to cheer midoriya up, but then aizawa-sensai told him that he was joking about the expelling part and that that was just a thing to get everything out of everyone. Yaoyorozu sais that se already knew and that it was obvious, but i knew that he was actually going to do it but he saw potential in midoriya so the didn't want to expel him. "with that we're done here. there are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back, look over them." said the teacher and he went over to midoriya " midoriya, have the old lady in the office to fix you" he said and looked back to the class " tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests, prepare yourself. 

then we went all back to the lockers and changed ourselves, i waited until the other girls were out of the locker-room so i wouldn't get more stares. when i got finally changed i went back to the classroom and got an handout and an curriculum.

798 words guys!! and i updated really fast!! i'm really proud of myself lol. i hope you guys enjoyed and leave an comment!! byee!!

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