⤷ hero name

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───── ❝ hero name ❞ ─────

You sit in class humming to 'no guidance' while waiting for your dad to show up. Tapping your pen on the desk and lost in you thoughts, you didn't notice him come in.

"Y/n!" He called out your named several times but it didn't effect you as you stared off into space.

"WAKE UP YOU DAMN NERD! WE DONT HAVE ALL DAY" you heard yelling from right besides your ear which caught you in surprise and made you trip from your chair.

You heard the class laughing and groaned in annoyance while rubbing your arms in pain. "I SWEAR TO GOD-" you were about to continue but were cut off by your dad clearing his throat and glaring at the both of you.

"Right... sorry dad- I mean sensei" you say innocently and go back into your seat.

"So today we'll be doing something that you kids will probably like." Your dad started, emphasising the word 'kids' which made you lightly roll your eyes.

He continued "you will be coming up with hero names for yourself-" before he could finish, the whole class started cheering and chatting, discussing their ideas.

"Let me finish!" Your dad called out to the whole class, his hair standing up and his eyes red. Scary. You thought sarcastically.

"Hey katsuki" you whispered to the man sitting next to you, "got any ideas?"

"Of course I do! Just who do you think I am? Icy hot?!" Suddenly an idea popped up into your mind.

"Thanks bakubro!" You cooed and turned your attention back to your dad.

"Miss midnight will be the one telling you if you can have the name or not or whatever, I'll just sleep now." He said and was suddenly a sleeping caterpillar.

Midnight came through the door as if on cue, "alright! Everyone write their names on these boards one by one and I'll tell you if it's appropriate!"

Everyone went one by one and todoroki just chose his name which was boring but cool at the same time to you.

You watched as the angry boy next door got up and walked to the front of the classroom all confident.

"KING EXPLOSION MURDER" He announced in a rather scary look but was rejected by midnight, "You probably shouldn't use something like that" she comment, holding her chin.

"Why not?!" He replied to miss midnight but was cut off by kiri, "you should be 'explosion boy'!" He suggested. 'I guess that would suit him-'

"Shut up, shitty hair!" He yelled in his usual tone.

'-or not'

Katsuki quickly removed the writing on the board and replaced it with "LORD EXPLOSION MURDER"

All you could do was laugh you ass off. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING AT, ICY HOT?!" He called you out but you gave him an amused look when you saw midnight reject him again.

"Nope, that won't do either" It was clear that there was a concerned look on her face. 'Who wouldn't be concerned for his mental health' you thought and rolled your eyes.

"Maybe think about it? We'll have the other students choose their names till then." She didn't even finish and katsuki came stomping back to his seat.

"What are you? 10?" You whispered besides him but he just scoffed at you. "I see we're salty today" you commented and went to the front of your class with your board.

As soon as you displayed your name, Miss midnight accepted it.

"Ah that's actually really good, can you explain the meaning behind it?" She asked in an interested tone which gave you confidence.

"Well, actually bakugou gave me this name" you started, "my quirk isn't really an ice quirk, I can create water and instantly change the temperature at will" you explained and went back to your seat.

Bakugou turned to you and gave you an amused look, "what?" You asked oh so innocently.

"Go on, I'm waiting" he said but You glared at him, "for what?"

"A thank you" he said and smirked but you rolled your eyes and ignored him.

SOFTIE ↷ k. bakugoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora