Chapter Three: "Relevance of heart"

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"I love you too Dicky" Connor smiled. He was excited for the wedding. Then a sharp pain came in his stomach is was growing. He went to the bathroom closes the door Dick was confused. "Soop you okay" He says.
Connor look at the mirror his stomach was expanding. He felt  jolt after jolt of gut pain as if he was being inflated like a balloon. He burped helplessly. He look at his mouth blood was dripping. "What's.....URRRRRP...happening to me" He felt room blur as he passed out.
"Soop wake up...please wake up" Dick's voice sounded hollow till finally everything came back into focus. Connor stared at his stomach it was swollen and bloated he touched his mouth the blood was gone. "Soop your awake" Dick planted multiple kisses on Connor. "DICK NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR YOUR FUCKING KISSES YOU BITCH, I ALMOST FEEL LIKE I AM DYING" Connor yelled. Dick walked away. "Dicky I didn't mean it I am just confused. "I am going out" Dick says. Connor looked at with tears. "Baby I am sorry....I love know that don't you" Connor said.
Dick didn't even flinch "Bye". Connor got up. "FINE YOUR A MOTHER FUCKING BITCH....I LOVE YOU COME BACK I CAN'T FUCKING FACE THIS ALONE" Dick drove away hearing only half of his lover's words.
Dick sat at a bar with Aqua Lad. "I want to help him but he yell at me and I don't know what to do with him anymore" Dick said drinking a beer. Kaldur looked at Dick. "Look you too are having a rough patch it will pass, it did for me and Blue Beetle" He said.
Dick burped. "I  just don't know I am going back but I don't know what to say to him" Dick said. "Think about it" Kaldur said.
Dick returns to the apartment drunk. Connor looked at him in suprise. "Dicky please tell me you haven't been drinking" He says. Dick hiccups he was drooling as though his whole face was numb. "" Dick said his words as drunk as his body. "Baby that's not a good idea right now your to drunk to even stand" Connor grabbed Dick. "But I need to talk to you" He says. Connor rolls his eyes playfully. "You need to sleep." Before Dick can protest he sleeping on Connor's plush belly.
Dick woke with a massive hangover. Connor chuckled making him eggs and bacon. "Baby what did you want to talk about last night" Dick froze he said nothing. Connor looked at him confused. "Dick".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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