Chapter 3

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At the mention of rouges I tensed,but attempted to get into a defensive position.I waited for them to show themselves but they didn't. So I let out the most ferocious, menacing and gruesome growl I can manage to do but I'm pretty sure it sound like a dying cow. Rouges of different sizes and color instantly started to surround me.I was outnumbered also.I whimpered at the fact I was going to die without even getting to meet my mate.
Then a big Fiery,Muscular, red wolf emerged from the Bush and growled at the others.At the sound of it the wolves bowed their head in submission. Judging from the sound of the growl it looks as if the Red wolf is their Alpha.He held so much power and the title kinda suited him.
The red wolf ran behind the bush and came out back in his human form looking like a Greek god,wearing nothing but a sweatpants.His six-pack abs full on display as his fiery hair flew around loosely along with the wind.Sweat dripped off his abs and forehead glistening them.
"SHIFT NOW!"his voice was rough and demanding dripping with enthusiasm and power. I was about to do it when I realized I don't have anything to wear, he turned and nodded at a grey wolf and the wolf immediately went to get clothing for me.As it placed the rest infront of me,I ran behind the bush and changed into the dress I was given.I didn't like how short and revealing it was but decided that if I cooperated maybe I can get to make it out alive with my head on my body and not detached.

The Alpha's Omega MateWhere stories live. Discover now