A Midnight Jog

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(A/N): Non band related. The main character's name is inspired by a female version of Harley Vendetta from Mister Misery. This story was written for my Honor's English class. Enjoy...

Queen Harleen paces back and worth frantically as she waits for the messenger to arrive at her door.

The moon hangs high in the sky and the midnight air is crisp and cool against the Queen's bare arms. She bites at her nails as she grows impatient. She knows that she committed an unspeakable crime and it's only a matter of time before the kingdom turns against her and ends her rule.

A loud knock on the door causes Queen Harleen to jump. Her hand flies to her chest as her breathing quickens. She reaches behind her and pulls her dagger out from the back of her dress. She knows it's very un-lady like to carry weapons around, but desperate times call for drastic measures. She hesitantly opens the door and there stands the familiar white-haired man. His hair is curled upward at the ends and he stand in his professional stance.
​"Good evening Queen Harleen. You do realize I will be killed if I am seen with you?" The messenger sneers as he stares her down.
​"I am well aware of that. But as of now, I am still your Queen and you will do as I say," The Queen speaks just as coldly.
The messenger doesn't retort, instead he pulls the white letter from his bag. The Queen snatches it from him and slams the door in his face, she doesn't have time to be polite.

Her hands hastily rip the wrapping exposing the contents of the letter. She scan the letter as the room goes as silent as the calm wind.
​Queen Harleen is sentenced to death for the illegal act of posing as a soldier.
Queen Harleen scoffs as she throws the letter down.
​"How could they do this to me! Those sexist buffoons! They should be grateful for the help. We did win the war after all," The Queen scoffs as she peels off the heavy outer layers of her dress. She knows she must be quick to escape the town before the news spreads.

She leaves the thin left-over material of her dress on; she needs to be able to move quickly and she knows the heaviness of the showy dress will only slow her down. She takes off her heels and opens the door of her bedroom.
Her feet quietly walk down the hall of the royal palace. She holds her breath as she creeps down the hallway.
​"My Queen!" A voice shouts a little too loud for Harleen's liking.
She doesn't turn around she just quickens her pace as she looks for the spiral staircase.
Her hands guide the way through the dark castle as she touches the familiar wood of the staircase railing. The Queen runs her hands along the railing as she dashes down the spiral staircase.
Her feet touch the cold marble floor and she runs quickly into the library.

Harleen opens a drawer and pulls out a lighter, she's never used one before, so she holds her breath as she clicks the button. A flame of fiery light shoots out and Queen Harleen lights a candelabra. She grabs the handle of it and races out of the library and down the hall. She knows there's a secret exit nearby. All her years of playing hide and seek are finally paying off.

She pushes a cluster of bricks and a hidden door opens revealing the night sky. Queen Harleen has no time to be cold as she rushes towards the horse stable.
​"Persse," She whispers as she enters the horse stable.
She hears the familiar sounds of her beloved horse as she nears him.
​"Persse, we have to go," Harleen pants as she unhooks the latch to his stable.
She puts his saddle on and buckles it. She then attached the reins and hops on.
​"Yaw!" She shouts as she tugs on the reins.
Her horse charges out of the stable and into the cool night.

The Queen lets out a breath of relief as they begin to exit the town but right when she gets comfortable, she hears a mob of angry voices.
​"The Queen! Seize her!" Several men yell.
Queen Harleen panics as she steers Persse into the depth of the woods. She can hear several voices nearby as she urges Persse to go faster.
​"It's the Queen! Fire!" She hears the group of men yell.
She bites her bottom lip as she rides Persse into the darkness.

Suddenly, Persse lets out a scream and before the Queen has time to react, she's thrown off her horse and onto the hard dirt floor.
She groans as she lays on her back. She wipes dirt from her eyes as she takes a moment; waiting for her breath to return. She sighs as she pushes herself up and whimpers at the sharp pain in her ribs. She looks over at Persse and she feels her heart break. Persse lies lifeless in a pile of dirt and grass. Three arrows stick out of his body in various places.
​"Baby," Queen Harleen cries as she stares at her horse, "no!"
The Queen's moment of grief is cut short when she hears the voices of the angry men that took down her favorite horse. She grabs her dagger and runs as quick as she can into the thickness of the forest. Her eyes are filled with angry tears as she runs recklessly.
Queen Harleen hears the sound of water and she bites her bottom lip nervously as she decides to run towards

Queen Harleen pushes leaves and sharp thorns out of her way as she makes it through the thicket and out into the open. A smile tugs at her lips for a split moment before she realizes the sound was actually a waterfall that flows off a cliff.
She looks around her for an escape but suddenly three men emerge from the forest and stand in front of her, blocking off every path.
​"Queen Harleen the third! You have been sentenced to death for committing a crime of unorderly conduct, betrayal, disobedience and trickery!" One of the men shout.
​"You know I did nothing wrong!" The Queen shouts as she reaches behind her.
​"You are a woman. According to the law, women are not allowed to serve as soldiers," The man to her right retorts.
Queen Harleen holds her dagger out in defense as she faces them.
​"The rules of the kingdom disgust me," She barks as they draw their swords.
The men move closer to her and she takes a step back.
​"Your majesty, we can do this the hard way or the easy way. You could die with honor in front of your whole kingdom or you can die right now," The man to the left warns her as he steps closer, boxing her in.
​"There is no such thing as honor in his kingdom," She growls as she lunges at one of them.
Her dagger slices deep into the chest of the man on her right and his screams fill the night air.
In an instant the two other men are on her, pulled her off the dead man. One of the men's hands wrap around her throat and he stares into the black of her eyes.
​"Die with honor or with disgrace. I will not repeat myself a third time," The man hisses as his hand tightens around her windpipe.

Queen Harleen stabs him in his lower stomach and he howls in pain as his hand releases her neck.
Right as Harleen goes to swing at the last man he kicks the knife from her hand. Queen Harleen witnesses the look of pure hatred in his eyes as he grabs her by the wrist and drags her over to the waterfall. Queen Harleen struggles against him but he pays her no mind as he looks over the ledge.
​"I will die with dignity," Queen Harleen growls as she punches him in the face.
He releases her wrist and growls as he lunges at her.
She looks behind her and takes a deep breath as she jumps off the cliff.
Queen Harleen stares up into the night sky as the cool mist of water tickles her face.
​"I die by my rules," She mutters as she closes her eyes and feels the sharp pain of water slapping against her back.

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