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In the Death Realm

Izuku wakes up, his memory fuzzy after passing out. He looks around and sees nothing but an empty gray land, except for one area. In the distance he sees buildings there, signaling civilization. But it did not make sense to him. He remembers that he is in prison, so where is he now? Is he dead? His question was soon answered by a dominating, deep voice behind him.

"You are not dead yet, little one." said the voice. Izuku turns around and starts crawling backwards, away from it. In front of him now is a 12 foot iron king or knight of some sort but Izuku can see the inside of his armor, NO FLESH and he was radiating an aura that made Izuku instantly fear him already. Before he could speak, however, another voice rang behind him.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" said the voice, Izuku turns around again, only to be met with eight other people. They all look at him with various expressions. They all look human with a few exceptions. A boy on a pillow is floating and has fairy wings, a lady with white, angelic wings and a 30 foot lady in the back.

Izuku had no idea who they were, thus finally allowing him to speak.

"Um... who are all of you people?" asked Izuku. The nine other people each answered his question.

"Well, we are the seven deadly sins, and my name is Meliodas, the sin of wrath and the captain of the sins." The first to speak was none other than Meliodas, introducing his group to Izuku first. The metal man waits for them to get finished first.

"Hello, my name is Elizabeth, nice to meet you." said Elizabeth.

"Yo, the names Ban and I'm the sin of greed, nice to meet ya kid." Said Ban

"Greetings, my name is Merlin and I'm the sin of gluttony." said Merlin

"Hello there, my name is King and I am the sin of sloth." said King

"Hi there! My name is Diane and I am the sin of envy, nice to meet you." said Diane.

"Greetings, my name is Escanor and I am the sin of pride. Feel honored that you are worth my time." said Escanor

"Hello, my name is Gowther and I am the sin of lust. Sparkles" said Gowther.

With the entire group finished, they all turn to the last person to introduce themselves.

"I am Mordekaiser, little one, and although I am not part of their group, I want you to be our successor." said Mordekaiser.

This shocked Izuku, they wanted him to be their successor? Why?

"All of us have come to a deal. We all want you to be our successor, but for different reasons. You see, we all have watched over you in the land of the living and we were impressed with the amount of determination in you. Not only that, but you also have a kind heart and had the potential to be a hero of this world from the very beginning. We, the sins, want you to take our powers and use them for good." Said Merlin.

"While I, on the other hand, need someone to continue my conquest over the living realm, but since there is no magic, I am unable to return to the living realm again. I want you to be by my side and slaughter all that stands in your way!" Said Mordekaiser.

Izuku sits there, absorbing all of the information he can. Now understanding the situation, he is now curious as to what the deal was.

"If you do not mind, what deal did you guys come up with?" Asked Izuku.

"We have come to an agreement that you will take all of our powers, in exchange that you kill villains that deserve death. Along the way, we will guide and help you." Said Mordekaiser.

"W-w-wait, w-why do I have to kill villains?? That is not what a hero is supposed to do!!" Said Izuku.

"Well, Izuku, there will be times where you just have to kill someone to save another. Exchange one life for another. Heroes will never have clean hands. Eventually, they will be bloodied with either villain's blood, or civilians' blood." Said Meliodas.

Izuku thought for a moment and realized that what Meliodas said was true. Eventually, heroes will have to kill villains to save people. Before he can continue thinking, however, Merlin spoke once again.

"Now let us continue, shall we. Izuku, here, from all of us, you will gain powers beyond life and death. You will become the most powerful being in all that exists in this world. Will you accept our offer to you?" Said Merlin.

Izuku thought for a moment until a realization hit him. If he was to gain all of this, then he will have to train in order to use them, which will take time, which Izuku might not have.

"WAIT, HOW LONG HAVE WE BEEN HERE???" Izuku Shouted. Before he could continue to panic, however, Mordekaiser spoke to him.

"Calm down, young one, time works differently here in the death realm. What is three hours there is one year here. Do not worry, you have plenty of time before you wake up." Said Mordekaiser. Izuku immediately calmed down, thankful that time works differently here than in the living. Now with time, he might be able to train with all of the powers that will be passed down to him.

"I accept the offer, please train me to become the best hero there is." Said Izuku, earning smiles from all (Although Mordekaiser does not have flesh, Izuku can still sense that he was smiling).

Deku: The Lord and Sin of Despair (A new version is coming)Where stories live. Discover now