Chap •• One ••

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The music suddenly blasts through the car once again as my brother whacks the volume up with his favourite song blaring out.

I immediately turn it down, "two hands on the wheel, douche" I scold, kicking my feet up on the dashboard.

"Feet off my car, douche" he retorts, aiming to mock me with a shit attempt at my voice. "And this is my car, I choose how loud-"

"Please" mum suddenly screeches from the back seat, "we haven't even arrived yet and you're bickering like children already. Can we not?" She sighs.

"I thought you were asleep" both me and Max say in unison, before pulling annoyed looks at each other at the fact we are annoyingly alike. With only one and a half year between us. And though he was the older one, I was definitely the mature one in us. He was nothing but a spoilt mummy's boy.

"Ten minutes away now, guys" Maxwell calls out, having just heard the damn sat nav state that clearly enough for us.

I proceed to close my eyes again, aiming to use the last ten minutes imagining how exactly mine and Matty's reunion will play out - in my head, he's already there, waiting for me, his messy head of curls over his face, looking all kinds of adorable. He spots me, he's leaning against the fence, arms crossed, until  I fly straight into him and-

"Thinking about lover boy there are we?" That annoying sibling suddenly whispers into the side of me, and as expected, on opening my eyes to send him the world's dirtiest look, for both disturbing my little play out in my mind then, and for aiming to wind me up. But yep, that's right, he's smirking at me. Prick!

"What? No" I snap, defensively.

"You did seem pretty close last summer" mums voice now joins in from the back again.

"Oh my god" I scoff. "Since when is everyone interested in Ally's life all of a sudden? I've been invisible to you both these last three hundred and sixty four days of the year. Just.... leave me alone, please"

"Don't be embarrassed" mum says, "he's a lovely young man, been brought up right"

"Well you would say that seeing as you and D have been best friends since the ancient days" I snap, wishing they could sense I was uncomfortable talking about anything to do with my life, especially my love life.

Mum chooses to ignore my insult or maybe she's just not listening to me, as she continues to speak, now gazing out of the window, oblivious to my strop. "You know, we both always said we could see you with one of her boys"

I aggressively roll my eyes to the back of my head, hating this situation even more so when I see Maxwell fighting against a laugh at me being uncomfortable and on the spot here.

"Mum, seriously, you're being gross" I exclaim. "And there is nothing going on with me and Matty"

"Nor Louis" I add quickly.

"Yeah, she's right" Max adds, gaining a sincere smile for once from me for defending me. "Neither of them would go for a minger like her" he laughs.

Instantly I swing and slap at his upper arm.

"Er, careful!" He scolds. "I'm driving, idiot"

"Well you clearly have a death wish anyway" I snap back. Genuinely hating this boy sometimes.

"Maxwell, apologise to your sister. She is a very beautiful young lady" mum tells him.

"Yeah, Maxwell" I agree. Smirking up at him smugly when he shots me a death stare from his telling off. "It's not my fault I got the looks" I push, enjoying teasing him too much now.

"Well you didn't get the brains" he retorts.

"Well you didn't get fashion sense" I keep it going, knowing neither of us like to back down when we're playing this stupid stubborn singling rivalry.

"Well you didn't get any GCSE's did you, so who's making what of who's life, and who's going to be nothing but a failure of hers!" Max gloats coldly. Once again taking things too far.

We keep our deathly stare glaring at each other, and the second the car comes to a halt once we've reached our destination, I don't wait. Now too hurt to give a shit about manners or my belongs. I jump out of the car, slamming the door shut and head straight past the Healy family who stand waiting to greet us all.

"Where's Matty?" I ask, striding past everyone for the house already. Not caring how rude I'm being right now.

"Inside darling, you might want to knock though he's-"

But I don't hear the rest, I'm already inside the house and heading for his bedroom. Needing him to take my mind off of once again being made to feel nothing but a failure to these people.

Young Love • Matty HealyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu