Chap •• Two ••

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Every summer, since I can remember, since being little, since my dad found some new bit of totty and abandoned his family, mums been bringing me and Maxwell to the Healy's beach house down in Wales every year.
Denise, their mother, has been best friends with my mum since they were kids. And though D and their dad had split and D had remarried, her and Tim Healy would still get together for this break, every year, for their boys. To keep the tradition going for us all. We were all like one kind of happy, kind of dysfunctional, family. But it worked.

At one point, with our ages being similar, him only being two year younger than me, I was initially best friends and closer with Matty's little brother, Louis. But last year, things, kind of changed....

Me and Matty weirdly began this seemingly romantic, unexpected, out of the blue, romance.I mean, we barely said two words to each other before then. I was just, there. A part of the furniture to him, no doubt. But last year.... it was different.

I'm not quite sure how it started. Or what it is going on. Im not saying we have some love story going on. We spent four weeks together and must have fought about fourteen times. It's not perfect, what we have going on. Things get in the way.
There's a huge age gap between us for starters. Not to mention his idea of fun is all kinds of illegal, regarding drugs most of the time. Oh, and did I mention, not only was Denise and Tim, celebrities. But Matty was famous too.... only much bigger.

But here we are. We'd kept in touch since last time, a few texts. The odd phone call. But that was it. He was famous. Busy. His time had to be focused on else where. Which was fine. But that meant there was no label on us. Meaning I had no clue what we were, if we were anything at all. But I was beyond excited to continue it and at least find out. And I was hopeful he felt the same too.

I now wasn't the same charging bull, I was mere seconds ago. Charging past everyone and heading straight for him to dive on him.

Something was holding me back. And I couldn't quite pin point what it was. Yes, a year had gone by, a year of only seeing his face on my phone or computer screen or from a music video playing on the telly. But I knew him, I remember what we had last summer. So why was I being so hesitant right now?

His door is closed. Allowing me a few seconds to take in a couple of deep breaths. Trying to bat away the nagging and fear in my head, making me doubt that he even feels the same this time and wants to continue what we had going.

Still stood there. Still debating what to do here...

"Just go in, loser" max calls from behind me, his hands full of his and mum luggage. No doubt having just left mine in the car for me to do on my own.

I whip around, aiming to shoot him a usually cocky reply. But I don't, I just stare at him.

And something clicks in his head it seems, like he can genuinely sense for once that I'm fearful here. "Seriously, he's missed you. Just go in" he encourages.

I nod, letting his words sink in, before I reach at the handle and throw his door open with force.

But he sits with his back to me, huge earphones covering his ears, oblivious to me now standing there, half way through a video call on his laptop with a seemingly very attractive, slim, tall blonde.

"I know baby, but it's only four weeks. It'll be a drag for me with this boring lot, but I'll be back soon. Keep the bed warm for me"

But before I have chance to leave with maybe just an inch of self respect, I'm spotted.

His head peers over his shoulder, as though he could sense someone was in the room with him.

I step back, watching as he quickly rags the headset from his head and pushes the laptop shut.

Say something Aleena! I scream mentally at myself. Don't let him get pleasure from you being humiliated and hurting here....

"This isn't my room" I scoff, making an even bigger embarrassment of myself and do a quick 360 to my own room, where I plan on locking myself in for the duration of my time here.

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