Chap •• Three ••

35 4 3

Matthew Healy, my childhood, family friend. The now famous, ungodly, front man of one of the biggest bands in the world. My summer fling last year... the guy I dreaded to have to admit, that I have some sort of feelings for.... now has a girlfriend. Of course he does. Of course.

This was now the only thing running round my mind, on repeat. Tormenting myself.

I was sitting on my bed, my back against the headboard. Just staring at the damn door I ran through in absolute embarrassment only seconds ago. Having bolted out of his room and straight into mine. Locked my door and buried my face in my hands, wanting the ground to just swallow me up.

A knock comes from the door, fearing it's Matty, having followed me, I wipe aggressively at my eyes, ridding my tears and walk over to it.

"Yes?" I ask weakly. Dreading hearing that voice right now.

"Ally, it's me" of course it is.

The door handle is tried, and a sigh is heard through the door.

"Can we at least talk"

Because you didn't feel like talking before now? All those days that's just passed us by, you couldn't find just one, any one, to tell me you've moved on. Found yourself a girlfriend. No, it's Matty here, of course not.

"Well I don't feel like talking right now" I say loud enough for only him to hear. I tried to make my voice sound happy and frilly, desperate for him not to know just how much this has upset me.

"Please come out, I get you're upset" no shit.

"No, really. I-I'm okay" I lie.

"Liar" he whispers back. "You forget I know you now" yet I evidently don't know you....

"I'm not leaving until you open up" he threatens lightly when I stay quiet. And then hear a thud against the opposite side of the door, where he's now slumped, back against the door, refusing to give in.

God sake!

I quickly head across the room for my phone. Desperate times call for desperate measures, I tell myself. Hating having to ask that brother of mine for a favour.

(A) : max, I need your help

(M) : with? I'm literally in the room opposite u, walk over u lazy pig!

(A) : I would, but I'm stuck in my room. Matty's sat outside the door & won't leave....

(M) : So? What u telling me 4?!!

(A) : SO!!! I need u 2 distract him 4 me, get him away from my door....

(M) : Piss off. Leave me out of ur lovers tiffs. Been here 2 mins and ur already falling out. I told u crossing long family friends into the situation u both took it would ruin things, u wouldn't listen. U deal with it! Anyway me and Lou r busy playing video games.
GOOD LUCK! Ahahahahaha!!!!

(A) : FINE! I'll just go tell mum about your Friday night house parties then.

(M) : Fine. 2mins.

Hearing words being exchanged through the door, I tip toe across, pressing my ear to it.

"Hey man, me and Lou are playing the Xbox if you wanna join?" Max asks.

"Nah, I'm good" Matty hits him with the usual blunt reply. But of course he's going to, everyone knows Matty doesn't give a shit about playing video games. A drink, max! You should have offered him a drink.

Young Love • Matty HealyWhere stories live. Discover now