6 | Holy Knight Gilthunder.

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Shit guys I'm really sorry for not updating this book in ages, I haven't even updated it since last year *BADUM CRSHH-!* but really though I'm sorry I've been super distracted by stuff but now Christmas and New Years is finally over there's no more 'exciting' holidays taking up all of my mind so hopefully now I'll be able to focus a lot better on the book and update the next chapter a lot quicker than this one!


"This power...He's...!!" Diane croaked,
"Yeah...No mistake about about it, he's a holy knight." Meliodas finished her sentence for her.

"Gilthunder, why are you...!!?" Elizabeth sputtered, your eyebrows furrowed—how come Elizabeth could recognise the fellow but you couldn't? You suppose that you never really did spend that much time outside the kitchen or the castle in general. "Elizabeth... You know him?"

"He's the Holy Knight... Gilthunder...!! He's a holy knight, very close to... The King... My father... He always took care of me like a real little sister...!!"
"I took care of you too..." You quietly grumbled to yourself in a huff,
"... He's... Like a big brother to me...!"

"Hey... This lightning, the dammed river at Bernia, and the attempt to wipe out the village...It was all you, right?" The blonde asked.

Elizabeth gasped, "Lord Meliodas!! That's a terrible thing to say!!" She then lowered her voice and looked down at the dead ground, "He's not the kind of person who would do such a..." The girl trailed off her sentence when the knight gave her a terrifying glare, making her shiver.

"This... Is... The same feeling from Bernia... It's a lie... Right? You... Can't be...!" She muttered under her breath. "Elizabeth..." Gilthunder called, "The kingdom's top priority is to ensure your safety... But that's got nothing to do with me. Whether you live or die... Is like a grain of sand in the path to the Holy Knights' rule."

He put his hand up, making the lightning that was once trapping you and Elizabeth disappear. "Y/n." Your head perked up at the sound of your name. "How do you know my-?" He didn't give you a chance to finish your question. "I trust that you're smart enough to transport Elizabeth back where you two came from. I only have business with the sins, so frankly, I don't care what you two do when you're gone."

You walked towards Elizabeth and placed your hand on her shoulder, "So... Do you want to leave..?" You asked, and she shook her head vigorously before running in front of Meliodas and Diane and spreading her arms wide in an effort to shield them. "No! I won't let you lay a hand on them!"

You looked at Gilthunder before determinably walking beside Elizabeth and mimicking her position, "Then I refuse too!" You shouted.

"Brrrrrrr...!! I'm...Finished." Hork mustered out, "Hork!! Hang on!!" She moved from her previous position to go next to Hork and began trying to help him. You were a bit disappointed with how quickly she gave up on guarding the sins.

Gilthunder casually walked towards Hork and Elizabeth before hitting the piggy with his sword with such a force that it sent him flying far, obviously making Elizabeth run after Hork too.

You were suddenly hit with a hard decision. Were you to stay with the sins and help protect them? Or run after Elizabeth to make sure she stays safe? The sins have each other, but they're both bound and could be beheaded at any moment! But Elizabeth would end up all alone with Hork, and who knows what else is in these woods?!

"I'm sorry!" You shouted before you began to run off to Elizabeth, the sins and the knight both slowly leaving your sight. In the end, you just had to go with your heart, and your heart told you that there was no chance in hell you were going to leave Elizabeth vulnerable in the woods! Hork too, I guess...

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