The Estelle Method

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To do this method you need to sit in a starfish position. It is recommended that you meditate at least 5 min before you try shifting, but it is not required.

For this Method you need to headphones. What you do is you have to imagine anyone from your desired reality. You have to pick any song you feel like can dance to with someone else.

Picture the person from your DR that you chose. Play the song and imaging that you are dancing with that person. Continue picturing it until the song is over. Once the song finishes, picture the person from your DR taking your hand and walking you down a hall to a door. Focus on the door. The person from your desired reality will ask you something like "are you ready to go?" Or "it's time to go."

Once you walk in the door picture a bright light. And walk through the door this should lead to your desired reality. Keep picturing your desired reality until you drift off to sleep.

If you do this method correctly you should "wake up" in your DR.


-The key to shifting is believing and focus

-I recommend picking a song that you like to dance to, but don't pick a song that you love or know by heart. It will be harder to focus an dancing if you know the song to well. Because you will be more focused on the song than you are on dancing.

-remember if this method doesn't work for you that doesn't mean you are not going to be able to shift. Different methods work for different people.

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