The Raven Method

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I like to Meditate before, but it is not required. Drinking lots of water throughout the day will help. I also like to play soft music or subliminal. This is also not required.

For this method you need to lie down on your back in a Starfish position. Picture your dream reality and start counting. You can count 1 to 100 or 100 to 1. I think it's easier to count up to 100, but that's just my opinion. In between each number say an affirmation like " I am shifting." Or " I am shifting to my Desired Reality." You could also say " I am shifting to" and than the name of wherever you are shifting. While counting and saying affirmations you also need to picture your desired reality.

When you reach around 50 you should start to feel tingling, itchy or numb. If you feel this DO NOT MOVE. If you move it could ruin the shifting process, and you will lose concentration.

If you reach 100 and you still don't feel any symptoms don't worry. You can keep counting until you start to feel the symptoms.

Once you are done counting and you feel you are there are almost to your DR keep picturing your reality and try to fall asleep.

When you "wake up" you should be in your desired reality


-Remember the key to shifting is believing

-This Method is not for everyone so if you can't shift with this method do not worry.

- do this method is best to do when you are already have asleep, so that you can fall asleep when you are done shifting

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