DubppFrez|| work all day

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Appl sighed as he wrote vigorously in his notebook, the light from his laptop shining on his stressed out face. His door opener slowly and his boyfriends walked in smiles ok their faces. DanFrez held the door open allowing light from the hallway to pour in to the room. Shubs held a plate in his hands as he walked in to the room plopping himself besides Appls desk on his bed. Dan had tuned the lights on in the room and closed the door taking his seat next to Shubs. Appl had finally looked away from his paper as it had been hours since Appl had gone to his room, he had a paper due soon but he was leaving it til the last moment. Appl shut his computer  and pushed his notebook back. He turned to look at his boyfriends and looked at the plate in Shubs hand, a bowl of shredded cheese on a plastic plate, this was his favorite, he of course ate the plate after as something to wash it down and he was so happy to know that they remembered. A smile came on to Appls face as he chuckled lightly. He spoke in his calming and tired voice "Thank you both for this..." he sighed and grabbed the plate placing it on his desk. "Yeah- we uh- well we missed you..." DanFrez stuttered out as he scooted closer to Shubs, they felt the same way, missing Appl and wanting to spend time with him. Shubs snuggled up to DanFrez and they intertwined fingers both feeling the sorrow of being alone together. Appl noticed this and frowned to himself . He stood up and kissed them both on the forehead. "Come on you muffin heads let's go watch the bee movie..." he said, making both of his boyfriends faces light up with smiles. They would get to snuggle all night. And it was great.

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