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It was movie night, Raf, Shubs, and Dan had planned the night perfectly, their classes for the week were over and the three had been wanting time together for days now.

The microwave hummed softly as popcorn popped. DanFrez looked in to the microwave waiting for the timer to end.
Raf was already sat on the couch with the remote in his hand scrolling through the streaming services the three had either stolen from friends or payed for themselves.
Shubs had walked up to the couch holding mounds of blankets and pillows as he plopped down next to Raf smiling at him sweetly.

This would be a good night.

As Dan walked in to the living room holding a hot bowl of butter melted popcorn. He sat in the corner of the couch and as soon as he did Raf squeezed next to him. "Jeez you're needy today aren't you" Dan chuckled and laid his legs across Rafs lap as he snuggled in to his side.
"Yeah yeah don't tell me you aren't either..." Raf murmured and poured a little. DanFrez snickered at him and ruffled his hair softly.
"Hey where did Shubs go?" Dan asked and looked around, Raf sat up a bit "Oh, well he ended up getting these blankets we are on and the pillow behind you but went back to our room for something, not sure what..." Raf trailed off a bit and shrugged as he leaned more to the right to lay down next to Dan.

Before they knew it Shubs ran in the room smiling and giggling. He had a large fuzzy blanket in his arms. He set himself on DanFrez' lap being practically in the middle of the two boys.
"Gosh you're BOTH being needy huh?" Dan said and rolled his eyes sarcastically
"Shut up-" Shubs said and huffed while snuggling back in to Dan.
"Both of you shut up I've missed you this week..." Raf said before leaning to give Dan a peck on the corner of his mouth and cheek, and doing the same for Shubs.

Dan smiled like a goober, "I missed you guys too..." he said before putting his arm near Raf and grabbing his hand kissing it like a gentleman.
Shubs turned to straddle Dan so he could face him but he turned his head to look at Raf. "I missed you idiots too-!" He whined and grabbed Rafs cheeks pulling him in to a quick kiss.

Raf delightfully kissed back for the short amount of time before Shubs pulled back and then turned to Dan giving him a kiss on the cheek before laying down on Dan on his stomach.
Dan intertwined him and Rafs fingers holding hands under the warm blanket. Dan then laughed lightly. "You're too cute..." he said before giving Shubs light kisses on his neck and snuggling in to Raf.

Shubs giggled a bit and smiled. "You're both too much..." he said before reaching his hand over to the side table and grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving it in his mouth.
"Chart da moobi" Shubs said with his mouth full causing Raf and Dan to both burst in to laughter and start mocking his speech. "Gosh you're too much, manners my friend-" Raf said and used his free hand to pet Shubs' hair.
Dan laughed along and grabbed the remote with the hand he had resting on Shubs' lower back. "Ok let's watch this you goofs-" he said before starting the movie.

The three sat giggling among themselves and chatting quietly and occasionally tuning in to the movie, mostly just cuddling and kissing, loving each other and having a good time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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