AppFrez||Only mine

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TW //Murder and blood òwó//

Appl had never been one for sharing. This was the truth for most everything, one thing this applied to the most was lovers. He had been attending this school for years and in those years he had met many people in which he cared for. Though none more than DanFrez, he loved Dan so much.

Dan was his boyfriend but, sadly this was only true for Appl in his mind. Dan and Appl had been something of best friends but Appl really wanted more. He yearned for the feeling of Dans lips on his own. He yearned to have the touch of Dan. He wanted Dan to touch him, and only wanted him to touch Dan.
This week was what had pushed Appl off the edge, a new kid had come to school and boy did that change things.


Appl ,Dan, and Name sat on a bench, laughing at a joke that Name had told. Before they knew it a short timid boy had walked up to them, holding a bag with presumably lunch in it. The group looked at him confused, a moment of silence had come over them before Name sat up a bit and waved.
"Hey! You're the kid in my class, new guy right?" They asked and nodded towards the kid. He nodded "uh yeah Shubs-" he said and nodded back. "I was wondering if I could like- sit with you guys for lunch? I don't know...just wanted to come over ya know?"

That day was the start of something awful. Shubs had broken his way in to the group of friends and they were all okay with it but, something was different.
As days went on Appl had noticed something...odd. Even it was a small touch on the arm or laughing at all of his jokes Shubs had been coming on to Dan in any way he could.

Appl didn't know what to do....but he had some ideas.

Time skip to Friday owo soz X3

It was the end of school and Appl had been planning something all week. The last Bell had rung and everyone was at their lockers. Appl walked up to Shubs at his locker.
"Hey! Shubs what's up?" He asked in a friendly tone, smiling brightly. Shubs closed his locker and smiled back "Oh- Appl nice to see you! Everything ok?" He said while leaning against his locker a tad. This was unusual, Appl wasn't very close with Shubs in just a week he wasn't very fond of him at all, mostly because of the stuff with Dan.
"Yeah of course! I wanted to know if you wanted to come over? I heard you liked The Bee movie and I just got this dope ass exclusive copy of it! Wanted to share it with you, you know?" Appl asked trying to be as polite as possible.
All doubts in Shubs mind of concern to this action was gone, his excitement took over and this is where he fucked up.

At Appls house

Appl was on the couch with Shubs, they had gotten to his house and sat down. "Alright make yourself comfortable, I'll go get the BlueRay!" He said coming back to his hype tone. Shubs as the naive little bitch boy he was complied with his little uwu self sitting down and waiting.

Step...step...step Appl walked away. Only one thought on his mind. What he was about to do would change things and he was ok with it.

He rummaged through his stuff...grasping on to a rope.

He walked back, stepping softly.

Shubs was on the couch, vulnerable, twiddling his thumbs.

Seconds flashed as Appl wrapped a rope around his throat and squeezed tight, wrapping it around. Shubs was choking. Appl continued to tighten his rope around the guys throat, listening carefully as the last breathe came from his mouth.

The basement

Shubs woke up, cold and in pain. His throat was burning on the inside and out, the burn was indented in to his skin. He was gasping through pain, he tried desperately to grip to his throat but his hands were bonded behind him.
"Wh-whats going on! Appl? What the hell?!" He shouted out struggling against his restraints. "What's happening?! Where am I!" He screamed once more.

Out of the shadows Appl stepped out. He smiled maliciously, a knife was held in one hand and you could see he was fiddling nervously with his other. He took slow steps forward soon leaning down, squatting in front of Shubs' tied up body.
"There isn't any use in're all alone here...but...we need to talk about one thing." He spoke with a deep tone in his voice, it was terrifying and somewhat...good to hear?
Shubs gulped, he didn't dare to open his mouth. He didn't know why but he was just too scared to do anything.

Appl smiled wider than Shubs had ever seen anyone do before and he chuckled. "You don't want to be hurt do you...?" He asked, in which Shubs nodded vigorously. "You don't know why either...that's cute..." Appl took the knife and pressed the side up to Shubs' cheek, the cold steel making him flinch.
"It's because Dan..." he whispered as he moved the knife up and down slowly.
"Wh...what?..." Shubs sputtered out nervously.
"He will never love you....he's mine- only mine- ONLY MINE-" Appls voice continuously grew louder shouting right in to Shubs face, making him flinch. Appl looked the other up and down and laughed out loud. "Aw sweet thing I'm sorry! Didn't mean to yell I just...want you to know that Dan is mine..."
"Appl- I-I I'm sorry! I didn't know- I promise I'll back off- I won't tell a-anyone about this and I w-will never talk to Dan again- I promise!" He was tripping over his words, hyperventilating with tears streaming down his face.
"It's too'll tell'll make him hate knew I would do this! You planned this didn't you YOU FUCKING WHORE!" He screamed
"No-no please wait Appl I-" Shubs was cut off.

Appl stabbed directly in to Shubs' heart. Pushing deep, he jammed the knife in several time before slitting the others throat. Shubs gargled on his own blood, coughing and hacking horrifically before he died.

Blood leaked from the orifices in which he was stabbed in. Appl was covered in the warm red liquid. He laughed maniacally before running his hands through Shubs hair and slamming his head back in to the wall. "Whore..." he whispered again before tossing the body away.

"Hopefully that's it...."

*Hey Appl! My friend Muffin is coming to visit from my home town next week, think we can all meet for some lunch?*
Dan had sent this text which made Appl pull his phone out. He read the message to himself and sighed.
"God I guess I'll have to do this again...."

BBH Discord fanfic حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن