Nubs|| Choccy Milk and Flowers

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Shubs was cuddles up in a blanket  holding on to his elephant shaped mug. He was content with his life just watching rain pour out the window. The rain was beating down, water running its course on the road draining out in to the sewers. He was watching the rain fall and music play softly from his speakers. Soon he got a ping which echoed from his speakers. He set his mug of chocolate milk down and grabbed his phone looking at his message.

"No_Name" he smiled seeing the user in his dms, he hadn't talked to his friend, his lover, in a while. There had been storms going on for a while now and visiting was difficult, so was messaging since the wifi was cutting out. I opened the message and saw two words thag made my face light up.

I uncovered myself from the blanket and slipped on my slides walking down the hall to my front door and swung it open.

There stood my friend, drenched in rain water holding a bouquet of white roses in one hand and they gave a small wave with the other.

"Name..." I smiled and giggled staring at them. "Gosh you muffin" I sighed out and grabbed their hand yanking them in and shutting the door. "Get out of the rain you..." They smiled at me laughed along with Shubs

"I missed you too much, if this is what it would take to see you then I would have to do it" They smiled as Shubs locked his house door.
"I knew it would be worth it too so I had to-" they continued.
Shubs rolled his eyes and grabbed the flowers from Name as they took off their coat and shoes trying their best to not get their boyfriends walk-in to his house all wet. 

Name heard the faucet turn on as their boyfriend filled a vase and put the flowers in. As Name took off their layers and was left in their damp jeans and slightly dry t-shirt.
They walked up to their boyfriend and hugged him from behind. "Wanna go cuddle?" They asked and rested their head on to Shubs' shoulder causing him to giggle, "okay but stop that tickles-" he continued laughing a bit, "and change out of those clothes their all wet and stuff" he said before turning around to face Name.
"Alright alright, cmon"

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