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Today was the day that I was moving. Moving away from my childhood home. The only thing I'm going to have left from this place is the memories.

I woke up to my alarm going off at eight in the morning but to me, I didn't get to sleep too long. I was up really late trying to pack my final things into some boxes. 

I got out of my bed and grabbed my clothes that I left out the night before and went into my bathroom. I turned on the shower and got in. It was a nice relaxing shower that helped wake me up from my sleeping state.

Once I was done with my shower I got out and dried off and got dressed. I brushed through my hair a bit and decided to let it air dry. 

I left the bathroom and grabbed two of the boxes I recently called last night and brought them outside to my car and set them on the ground. I opened the backdoor to my car and put the boxes in there along with the other ones that were in there.

I went back inside and saw that my parents were in the kitchen making breakfast. "Good morning," I said and stood near the table.

"Oh good morning Y/N, glad to see you up and being productive." My mom said as she looked at me. "Ah yes I forgot today was the day that you were moving. Tell me why you have to move so far again?" My dad asked and handed me a cup of coffee but I kindly declined it.

"I'm moving because I want to go somewhere with my future and I need to take chances because they aren't going to come to me," I said and grabbed a cookie.

My mom looked at me strangely as I ate the cookie because its early in the morning. "Plus I'm not going to be living alone. I guess I'm gonna have a roommate which I don't mind." I responded and went to go back up to my room.

"I'll say goodbye when I'm about to leave. Remember no tears, I'm not leaving forever." I said and went to my room. When I was up there I grabbed a few more boxes and did the same process of bringing them to my car and leaving them in there.

When everything was ready to go I went back into the kitchen and stood near the table again. "I'm ready to go now," I said and both of my parents came over to me and gave me a big hug.

"Please take care of yourself and call us if you need anything." My mom said as she stepped back to look at me and I nodded. "You've grown so much Y/N, we are very proud of you." I smiled and hugged her again.

"Be good and don't get into too much trouble." My dad said and we laughed a bit. "No promises on that one." I smiled and gave him another hug.

"Well I'm gonna get going so I don't arrive so late but I will call once I'm there and all settled in," I said and hugged them once more. "We love you Y/N." My dad said because my mom started crying. "I love you guys too and mom don't cry I'll be back before you know it to visit." I smiled at her.

After a few more goodbyes I went out to my car and got in the driver seat and started it up. I waved goodbye and then I was off on my own. 

I drove for a few hours until I got to the house I was moving into. I checked my phone to make sure it was the right one and it was so I got out of my car and walked up to the door.

As I knocked on the door I waited a few seconds for someone to answer and then someone opened the door.

It was a guy. He looked to be my age or a bit older but not by much. He looked at me for a second but then smiled at me. 

"You must be my new roommate," he opened the door wider and held his hand out for me to shake, "I'm Ethan, Ethan Nestor."

I smiled back at him and nodded, "Yeah I am and I'm Y/N Y/L/N." "Well nice to meet you Y/N, do you need help moving your things inside?" He asked sweetly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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