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At the moment Ethan, my boyfriend, and I were running around our house trying to clean up for later on tonight. 

It was thanksgiving and we thought it would be a good idea for us to host at our house this year. We thought it would easy to make food and not have to worry about going other things but we were wrong.

"Ethan, can you please keep an eye on the food that's cooking right now while I go find some more decorations?" I asked in a rush as I wiped my hands on my apron because I had some flour on my hands from making a pie.

"Yeah I will, there should be some decorations in the closet in one of the spare rooms." He said and pointed to the room. "Okay thank you, also can you put those pies in the over for me?" I said as I walked into the room. 

"Yes of course." He replied. "Put on the oven mitts so you don't get hurt, and be careful," I yelled as I opened the closet and found a box that says thanksgiving on it. "Alright, babe." He yelled back.

I took the box and brought it into the living room and started taking some things out. I found a few decorations and placed them around the living room. I took a few more out of the box and brought them into the kitchen.

"How is everything going in here so far?" I asked Ethan and started to put some little decorations up on the walls. "It's going good, the pies are in the oven and the vegetables are almost done cooking." He said and turned to look at me.

"Oh great, I'm almost done with the decorations too and your parents should be here in a half an hour," I said and put a table cloth on top of the table. "Well, they are bringing the turkey and some other things so we don't have to worry too much." He said and walked over to me.

I turned around to looked at him and he hugged me tightly. "What's this for?" I asked. "What I can't just randomly hug my girlfriend?" He asked and laughed which caused me to laugh too. 

Once we finished laughed for a second we grabbed the vegetables that were done and we put them in separate bowls. Once they were in the bowls I put them on the table as Ethan put dishes and silverware in front of the chairs.

I grabbed the pies out of the oven when they were finished and I left them to cool off on the counter so they would be ready to eat later on. 

Ethan went into the pantry for a moment while I did some other things to make everything look good. He came back out with the good bread rolls and put them on a plate and put them near the middle of the table.

"Everybody loves those, hopefully, there will be some leftover because you know I'll probably have some later tonight," I said and laughed and he smiled. "You better save one extra for me then." He responded. "Don't worry I will."

Sometime after we finished setting everything up and everything was perfect we heard a knock at the door. We looked at each other and took a deep breath and walked to the door and opened it.

When we opened the door we saw his mom and dad standing there. His dad was holding a few bags with things inside and his mom was holding a tray that had the turkey in it wrapped in foil.

"Mom, dad, we are glad you made it. Just in time too, we just finished getting everything together," Ethan said and let them in. "Here let me take that Mrs. Nestor," I said and she gave me the turkey, and I brought it over to one of the counters.

"It's so good to see you Y/N, I'm so happy that you guys are together still. You are absolutely perfect for my son." She complimented and gave me a hug. "Thank you so much and it's good to see you too. Also, I love your hair, it looks amazing." I said and she laughed, "Thank you, darling."

I nodded and we got the turkey ready then brought it over to the table. Ethan and his dad were talking and they looked at us when we walked in.

"Hey Y/N look at what they got us," Ethan said as he held up a very expensive looking wine bottle. "Oh wow, you know you guys didn't have to get us anything," I said. "Don't worry, we know but it's the good stuff and we just had to bring it." His dad replied and walked up to me.

"Good to see you again Y/N." His dad greeted me and gave me a hug like his wife did. "It's good to see you too, how have you been?" I asked. "I've been good, and you?" He asked me. "I've been good, you know the usual," I said and we took a seat at the table.

I sat next to Ethan and his parents sat across from us. "Has Ethan been treating you good?" His mom asked and I laughed and Ethan looked kinda offended. "Yes he has, he always does and I'm very thankful for that," I said and smiled at Ethan and held his hand under the table.

"Good, he better be." His dad said and looked at Ethan. "Shall we say what we are thankful for now?" Mrs. Nestor asked and we all nodded. "I'll start us off." She added.

"I am thankful for this food in front of us right now, my husband, my son, his beautiful girlfriend, this life, and so much more." She said and we all smiled. "I'll go next," Mr. Nestor said and looked at all of us. "I am thankful for my wife, my son, and his girlfriend, my work, my family, and many more things." He said and he looked at Ethan. 

"I'll go next then," Ethan said and glanced at me and squeezed my hand a bit. "I am thankful for my youtube career, my fans, my family, and I'm very thankful for my absolutely amazing girlfriend that I love so much." He said and looked at me and kissed my cheek and I blushed.

"Aww, Ethan you're so sweet," I said and I couldn't stop smiling. "Okay, I guess it's my turn," I started then looked around for a second.

 "I am thankful for the people who support me, the people I care about, my family, you guys," I said and motioned to Ethan's parents then continued, "And I'm very much thankful for my loving boyfriend that I'm so lucky to be by his side every day."

His parents were smiling at how good we are for each other. It's like we are two puzzle pieces that have to be next to each other and we fit perfectly together. 

We started to eat and we talked amongst each other for a while and one question came up that we weren't prepared to hear.

"So, when are we getting grandkids?" Ethan's mom asked and looked at both of us. Ethan almost spit out his drink then we both looked at each other.

"Um we haven't really thought about that before," I said a bit awkwardly. "Yeah we are just taking things a bit slow," Ethan added in.

"Oh well we were hoping for some grandkids soon, we only have so much time left and we want to teach them so many things," Ethans dad said. "But don't worry we aren't trying to rush you into anything." His mom said.

"That's good to hear, we just don't think we are ready yet, and plus we are at a good point in our relationship right now and we don't want to ruin it," Ethan said and held my hand under the table.

I smiled and we all continued to eat until we were full. 

The time came to where Ethan's parents had to leave because it was getting late. We all got up from the table and walked to the door. We said our goodbyes and waved to them as they left. 

I closed the door and we went into the kitchen and cleaned up whatever mess was there. Once Everything looked okay, both of us went into the living room and sat on the couch, and turned on the tv.

"Today was a good day, stressful at times but still good," I said and cuddled up next to Ethan. "Yeah it was, I would call it a win," He said and we laughed. He wrapped his arm around me and we watched the 'charlie brown thanksgiving' movie until we fell asleep.


I know this came out a little late than it intended to but I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving. 

Lots of love


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