the parents

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Why I don't live with my parents?

My mom:

Well, when I was 2 years old, about to turn 3, my mother and I got really sick and we were taken to the hospital. But I was discharged first and my mother knew my grandma couldn't take care of me because she had to go to work so, she told my auntie to go leave me in my father's house.

So, my father lived with his parents at that time so, I ended up living with my grandparents from my father's side. Until today. She never came to visit me since then, she claims its because she doesn't want to start a war with my stepmom but I know it's because she just doesn't want to. But I grew up going to her house every weekend and holidays so she was absent in my house but I was present in hers, it's like, I made my own traditions.

My dad:

From my dad side the story is a little bit different,  since my parents were not together when I was born, it was logic for me to stay with my mom as a baby, but when we got sick and my auntie left me with my father, I ended up living with my grandparents.

My father had this tiny house in my grandparents compound, that he built. So, from night to night he would come take me to stay with him. When my step mother came in to the picture, she had my sister, who's 2 years younger than me.

When she had my sister, she came to live with us, because my father asked for her hand in marriage.

So, I thought I was going to live with them.

But it turned out that my stepmom didn't want me around her, it's like she wishes I was never born so that she can tell her story without me being part of it.

So, when I turned 7, my father got this huge job opportunity in another state, so he had to go live there, he left us and went there

One time he flew us there, I boarded a plane for the first time when I was 7 and it became a costume.

My stepmom got pregnant and had a another girl.

Every holidays we would go there to visit him

Well that's until he decided to take his family to live with him.

He told us to pack up our bags because the next morning we would be going to our new life in another state.

I was so happy, I was telling it to everyone and every single person around.

Until I woke up the next morning and no one was home, except for me, my grandparents and my auntie and my cousin who lived with me.

I went outside to see if they were at the tiny house and they were not, I went to the garage to see the car and it was gone

That's when I realized that they were gone, they flew to the other state without me, they went to live another life without me, they didn't want me to be a part of their little happy family , well I tought it was my father's fault, that he was the one that didn't want people to know that he had another daughter, he didn't want me around him or around his family.

I blamed him for 11 years of my live, I blamed him for leaving me, I blamed him for abandoning me.

Until I learned the truth, until I learned that it wasn't his fault, until when I turned 18, my grandma sat me down and told me that the reason I didn't live with my father and my sisters was because my stepmother denied me,  she said quote "I CAN'T LIVE WITH (MY MOTHER'S NAME) CHILD".

My heart sank. I already didn't like her much but I was always soft hearted so, I let myself like her.

But when I learned that it was all her fault, everything started to click in and make sense.

And that's when I started to actually hate her.

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