Step parents

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My step parents.

My stepfather:

My step father was a fat man, I remember him being fat and having always a big smile in his face, he would always come home with candy and yogurt, he loves plants so he has a lot of trees in his house, a lot of fruits and a lot of vegetables,  he has a large house so, makes sense.

He is always kind to me, but to my mother, they always fight, I remember going to my mother's house and in the middle of the night start  hearing my mother crying

I went out with my sister and my mothers face was purple because he took a "pilao" which is a stick that we use to grind amendoim.

He beat her up while she was sleeping because he found texts from a secret lover that my mother was having.

I remember starting to hate him from that day. Because I learned from my siblings that he would always beat her for minimal reasons everytime.

He got sick, had some diseases and recovered and got humble, but I still don't think I will ever grow to love him.

My stepmother:

This one is a bit more complicated.

I don't remember much from my childhood because I was a child and because I have a lot of trauma from that time.

My stepmother, she would always treat me nice when my father was around, she would buy me gifts and stuff. But, when he wasn't around she would send me out of the tiny house, to go stay with my grandma, because she didn't like me. My grandma told me the same thing.

So, when my father and his family would come home to visit, they would stay in the tiny house and my sisters would stay with me in the big house.

So, whenever they wanted to go out, to shopping and hanging out ,family time, she would send my cousin that lived with them to come and wake my sister's up really early and they would leave the house and later in that day when I would ask my stepmom would say it's because I didn't want to wake up.

At first I bought it because I really love to sleep so I I tought it was my fault, but then, it started to become frequent, everytime they went out, she wouldn't take me with them.

I cried every single time they would go out without me.

There was this time, it was new years eve. I was baking a cake and was with my cousin's and sisters.

She called my sisters, they showered and got dressed up. And then they said that they were going to my uncle's house to spend the new years party there, I got confused, "why can't I go?"

"Because you're baking" she said

" well, I can leave my cousin, she will continue for me"

She said "you could have asked earlier "

And they left without me.

I remember going to my room to cry

I cried so hard that day, but I showered and spent the party with my grandparents and my cousins.

That's just one of the occasions,  before I knew it was her fault I always blamed my father because he would've stood up for his daughter, it was like he didn't actually care about it, you know? He was like whatever you want baby, you do it

Because she would make me not go anywhere

My sisters have traveled around to other countries, I never crossed the border not even once in my life.

I'm not complaining,  but I really hate this woman for everything she kept me from doing, from every experience she kept me from having. I hate her. I really do.

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