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My grandparents

My grandfather

My relationship with my grandpa is a love and hate relationship, just like every other father and daughter relationship. We fight we laugh we smile I cry

My grandma

Shes manipulative, she pretends too much, but I dont care shes old.

I love them they're the only people that I have.

During this pandemic, i really took some time to think about my life, about how lonely i am, I'm not alone because I have my grandparents but I'm surely lonely,  I can't see any of my friends, cousins because my grandparents are in the risk group. I can't hang out with anyone, and for bonus, I'm lonely, i feel lonely, I dont have a boyfriend, I only stay in my rooms 24 hours a day. I hate it

I really do.

I wish I had a normal life, a normal childhood,  a friend to talk to, young people around me, I wish I had adventures, experiences.

I really wish I was born in another person's body.

With that being said.

This is just me poured out my story, I don't know if someone had some experience like mine, if there's anyone like me, please hit me up, let's talk and be a little less lonely together.

Love you.


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