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 buried under her sheets, the warm sheets covering her from the outside world, Alexandra Sullivan felt soft pocking from on top of her sheets. It was the last day of her 5th year  and she really didn't want to get up

"Hi, sorry I just wanted to say you are going to be late," A small voice asked shyly, Lexi lifted her head off her comfortable pillow and looked at the quiet girl

"Thanks Mary," I said smiling at the girl looking at her from a distance, the girl smiled brightly and scurried off to get breakfast. Lexi put her head back on her pillow and sunk back into the warmth, Ten more minutes and I'll get up she said to herself but in reality she didn't think it would be only ten minutes and she was right, after falling back into her deep slumber she sat up her eyes widened Oops she said to herself, she threw off her blankets and got dressed, she brushed her teeth and brushed her hair, she didn't have time to tie her tie as it was... she checked her muggle watch she had got off her best friends and it was... 9:25! And she had transfiguration! Minnie's going to freak!

Her Gryffindor tie flew around her neck as she ran to transfiguration. She reached the door and tried catching her breath, But when she turned the door had been opened by none other than Professor McGonigal!

"Minnie! How are you doing on this fine morning," Lexi smiled sweetly

"You're late Miss Sullivan, Everyone else has been here for half an hour," McGonigal frowned, by this point everyone in the class was listening eagerly 

"Or... their all early," She smiled, McGonigal rolled her eyes and walked back to her desk. Lexi ran and sat by her two Slytherin best friends, Donna Crabbe and Olivia Goyle

"Hello ladies," She said as she sat in the seat beside Donna

"Why are you so late?" Olivia whispered. Before Lexi could answer McGonigal had started class, Lexi had decided after her 4 years in Hogwarts this would have been the most boring class she had experienced and she started drifting off, next thing she new McGonigal was shouting 

"Miss Sullivan?" McGonigal's voice made Lexi's head lift off the desk after she had fell asleep because of boredom, "Miss Sullivan?!"

"I'm up! I'm up" She rubbed her eyes

"Did you fall asleep in my classroom?!" 

" I did Minnie but only because of your soothing and soft voice," She said sweetly, she could hear the famous marauders chuckling as Donna was giggling quietly, Olivia rolled her eyes

"Tell me Miss Sullivan what spell turns an object into stone?" McGonigal asked the young girl testing her ability, lucky for Lexi she was naturally smart and liked books( Although she hated to admit it) so she answered simply 

"Duro," she said without hesitation

"What is the incantation of the scrubbing spell?" 


"Who is the author of "Beginners Guide to Transfigurations"?"

"Emeric Switch," After the professor had walked up to the board and started to wright and was out of ear shot Avery shouted 

"Looks like we got a smart ass over here!" The famous Slytherin, Avery,

"No you're just too dumb to understand the basics which were taught in first year," She smiled sweetly and turned to roll her eyes, everyone made ooooo noises and some laughed, "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass," She said, "Ignorant prat," she mumbled

Still staring at his book, Remus lupin laughed quietly at the funny comeback

"What you laughing at Lupin?" Avery spat, Remus rolled his eyes at the boy, "Hey Lupin I asked you a question," Avery said angrily

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