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Lexi POV

Me and the small girl walked towards her class, when we reached the entry, she stopped with a sad look on her face

"Mary?" I asked softly, there was no answer, I bent down to look Mary in the eye, "Mary It's going to be ok," I promised, "That girl is uneducated and that means that she doesn't know how amazing you are. It doesn't matter if you're a pureblood, half-blood, muggle born or anything we are all the same and deserve the same rights," I stated softly. She lifted her head, her teary eyes connecting with mine, my heart ached for the blonde girl, she smiled slightly and unexpectedly wrapped her arms around me, I was confused for a minute, but I smiled and engulphed her in a lovely hug back. After a minute Mary let go and smiled brightly, she turned to the door and took a deep breath, she then entered confidently, I smiled and started walking towards potions uhhhhh.

I entered the room and saw the same old cold and dull room that belonged to the large professor Slughorn, who had never liked me, and had this stupid slug club for his 'favourites' including Lily Evans, Severus Snape and Remus Lupin. I had never really talked to any of them, I didn't really have any friends in Gryffindor, this was mostly because of what Olivia said "They are all bad news, and to be honest I don't think you would fit in, their all brave and good at everything and your... not really like that," She laughed, "And plus you have us you don't need anyone else," I had listened to that back in 3rd year, it hurt me that she said that but I don't show my feelings, I like keeping them to myself, plus if I shared them, Olivia would laugh and Donna wouldn't listen and I have no one else. I have always been like that I am not good at sharing how I feel, I keep it all in until the night, and that is when I think of all of it, sometimes I cry, I beat myself up about everything, well Olivia said that blaming myself is always the answer, so that is what I do. Olivia says I deserve it sometimes and I kind of agree.

"Miss Sullivan your late," Slughorn's booming voice echoed through the dungeons

"Sorry sir," I said

Slughorn sighed, "that's alright, I can't give you detention on your last day, can I?" He chuckled, I smiled politely and sat down next to Remus Lupin

"today we'll be making wide eye potion," the professor boomed happily, "Does anyone know what this does?"

A hand shot up from beside me, "the wide eye potion, when drank will awaken you, it can prevent drinker to fall asleep." Remus Lupin explained with ese

"So, coffee but in a potion," I thought out loud. Remus Chuckled and the class laughed

"Well Miss Sullivan that is a good point, but wide eye potion is stronger," Slughorn chuckled, "And well-done Mr Lupin 10 points to Gryffindor," He smiled at one of his favourite students. I laughed

"What?" Remus asked

"You are so his favourite," She laughed

"Am not," He protested

"Umm yes, yes you really are," I laughed





"I am not really, Lily and Severus are," He stated, I scoffed, he rolled his eyes

"I have never heard him say '10 points for Gryffindor' or given us any points in fact," Remus chuckled quietly

"ok maybe you are right," he laughed and looked at me as I leant back into my chair triumphantly, "you can tell you're a Gryffindor," he laughed, I looked up confused

"And how's that?" I asked

"You're so... competitive and stubborn," He laughed

"Well, I thought you were a Slytherin because you're a pain in the ass," She said, Remus only chuckled

"Aren't your best friends Slytherins?" He laughed and looked at me as if to say he won

"Yes, and they are pains too," She laughed, "Don't tell them I said that" We both chuckled

We listened to the professor as he explained something I and the rest of the class except Evans, Snape and Remus completely did not understand. After what felt like hours of explaining the professor wrote the method and ingredients on the board

"You will be working by yourself,"

"Well, this isn't going to go well," I said out loud to myself, Remus chuckled

"I'm sure you're not that bad," He said kindly

"Yeah, I was wrong," He said later as we watched my cauldron start bubbling uncontrollably

"I told you," She said stepping back from her cauldron cautiously

"What's going on over here?" Slughorn came over and peered over the bubbling cauldron, which can I say was a mistake, the cauldrons bubbles exploded blue goop like giant pimples, he lifted his head which was covered with blue goop which was also dripping down his face

"Sullivan!" he shouted as the bell rand signalling lunch

"Sorry sir," I bit my lip to contain my laughs, I heard the rest of the marauders laughing loudly at Slughorn's face, I could not help it anymore, I burst out laughing "I'm... really..... sorry... sir... I really....am," I said between laughs, Remus watched me and couldn't help but laugh.

"Ok," He took a deep breath, "Everyone leave but Miss Sullivan and Mr Lupin please stay," He said calmly

"Good luck moons," We heard the marauders laugh.

He did a wordless spell, and the goop was suddenly gone

"Now," He said scarily calm, "Miss Sullivan 10 points from Gryffindor,"

"Is that all?" I said before I could stop myself, Remus face palmed, "I mean that's... too much?"

"Also, Mr Lupin here will be tutoring you for a while," He said

"I don't need a tutor!" I demanded although I knew that was not true, he gave me a look although to say are you sure about that "Uhhh please sir," I pleaded, I hated potions and doing more of it would be a nightmare

"I'm sorry sir but why me, Lily and snape are better than me,"

"I don't know I have a feeling that you would work good together," he smiled, and Remus could have sworn he saw a slight smirk, but I didn't notice since I was too busy sulking

Me and my new potions tutor walked out the class, and walked towards the great hall for lunch

"I can't believe he's making me have a tutor," I complained

"You can't believe it even after that?" He laughed, I huffed and walked slightly faster

"It won't be that bad," Remus shouted after me as he walked faster to catch me up, I stopped and looked in the eyes, he was slightly caught back, "It won't be that bad? Potions is my living hell," I said, he laughed, and we continued walking, we turned a corner and I heard 2 voices, 2 very familiar voices, I listened carefully

"What are you doi-"He started but I pushed him against the wall and put my finger on his mouth to silence him

I suddenly recognised the voices they belonged to Olivia and... Sabrina?

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