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3rd person

"Sabrina are you ok?" Olivia asked as she sat down next to the Parkinson, Lexi put all her concentration into listening, and she was confused as to why her best friend was being so gentle with her enemy

"No! that stupid blood traitor embarrassed me in front of everyone!" She cried, Lexi just wanted to punch her in this moment and in all moments to be honest. She was expecting Olivia to stand up for her in some way, but her heart sank when she heard what her best friend said next

"she's just naturally a horrible person," Olivia said, "She doesn't care about anything or anyone," Remus felt his heart break for Lexi, he wanted to go and hex the life out of the girls, which was very unlike himself, but he held himself back as he guessed Lexi wouldn't want that.

"She always wants all the attention it's so annoying, but me and Donna hate her, but we need the popularity and it's fun breaking her down," Olivia said cruelly 

"I know she just loves when she can embarrass me," Sabrina answered, "But your friend Donna seems to love her," She scoffed

"Yeah, but she just follows you around and she'll do whatever I say, anyway come on let's go eat," She smiled, and they both walked off.

Lexi froze her and Olivia had been friends since first year! They had been so incredibly close, but over the years Olivia had gotten more and more toxic, but Lexi didn't notice, and she had drifted over to the Slytherins, and made more friends there, and that's how they had met Donna, Olivia said she had a new friend to introduce to Lexi from Slytherin, but the only reason Olivia had even been her friend was so she would do whatever Olivia wanted which had happened. But Lexi didn't care at that moment, she had just lost all her friends, her best friends but worst of all she had heard what they truly thought of her and that's what broke her heart the most, knowing they had hated her that entire time. Remus looked at her sympathy and worry flooding his eyes

"Lexi I-" He started but was cut off by Lexi

"I'm fine," She smiled, Remus could tell it was a fake smile


"I said I'm fine Remus!" She said loudly, not shouting, but loud. Remus sighed

"I'm going back to the common room," She said with a weak smile. 

She wasn't fine, she wanted to cry, but she wasn't weak, that's what she always told herself, she thought if she cried it proved what Olivia said was right. 

Remus watched her walk back, he had to admit she was a good actress and would fool many people that she was fine, but Remus could tell, although they hadn't talked until that day. 

when out of sight of everyone, Lexi sunk down against a wall, she put her head in her hands, and cried, she cried softly and quietly, she felt broken, even more than usual, she wanted to go home, but she still had to wait half a day.

I have no one! she thought to herself 

A/N next 2 chapters will start the story off! thanks to everyone who's voting and reading!

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