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I kept my head in my book and smirked now and again at her witty comments . As I watched the scene I felt something when she snapped back her insults, I had never seen her do that and to be honest I felt a flutter just like when she stood up for me earlier on. But that changed when I saw a wand being pocked into her neck, I stepped forward but was held back by James' arm

"She's got this Moons," He laughed as the scene continued to unfold, James smirked at his best friend

"She's hot when she's mad," James said waiting for my reaction , which was unsuccessful as I continued to watch the scene carefully. Unexpectedly after Sarina's horrible racist comment mudblood , Lexi pulled out her wand and sent her 2 jinxes. I stood there surprised and impressed until James pulled me over to where she was standing with a disgusted look "bitch," She said.

"I didn't know you had that in you Lex," Sirius smiled proudly, she rolled her eyes playfully and turned worriedly at the small girl 

As she cuddled her and  talked to her I felt that feeling again, I knew Lexi was a nice person but she was more than that, she really cared about everyone. I felt bad for the poor girl, she seemed so innocent and that stupid Slytherin is just a little cow!

The bell rang signalling for the next lesson

"what do you have next Mary?" She smiled softly,  I felt butterflies once again, Stop Remus!  

"Charms," She sniffed 

"Ok I'll take you come on," She said softly

"Thank you, but you don't have too," Mary fake smiled

"Nonsense and it will make me miss some of potions," She laughed angelically you siriusly have to stop! 

"Ok thank you," She laughed and smiled genuinely this time

"I wanna miss potions," Sirius stropped as we started walking towards potions

"And me," James complained 

"I don't mind it," I said casually 

"Of course YOU don't," James said

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked 

"Well you sit by your crush," He smirked, I felt my cheeks warm up, I didn't like Lexi? Did I?

"I don't know what your talking about," I said slightly too loud

"oooo Moony's got a crush," Sirius sang

"keep it down won't you," I whisper shouted, "And I do not!" My cheeks were now a deep shade of scarlet 

"Ok sure," Peter smirked

"We believe you," James smirked 

"Yeah guys it's not a crush!" Sirius shouted

"Thank you-"

"It's LOOOOOOVE!" He sang and they all laughed except me 

It was true me and Lexi got paired up last lesson, but we hadn't talked since she had to leave early. 

A/N thanks so much for reading! I know this is short (I'm sorry!) the next one will be longer

Please remember to vote!

in the next 3-5 chapters big things will happen and that's when the story will actually start! Hope you enjoy! I will try to update as fast as I can

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