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Ella woke up with a pounding head and a sore neck, not that she was surprised. She slept on a big, warm wolf after all. Yawning she tried to move, her muscles started to ache.

"Ahh, lemme out, Alonzo!" she groaned, rolling her eyes. The wolf whined, but eventually stood up, licking Ella's cheek on the way.

"We should move, Jacob could be tracking us right now." her shiny greyish eyes looked up to the bright, blue sky. She guessed it was already past ten am.

Her flannel was dry, but the blood stains on the bottom were a reminder of the awful night. Shaking her head, Ella looked around, trying to find a path or something that'd bring her home.

A shiver ran past her spine, it wasn't the wind, the weather was already sunny & hot. But something wasn't right, she felt watched, and it scared her. It could be Jacob or one of his men, she didn't know. Or she was just paranoid.

"Come on, quickly, lets go!" she whisper-shouted, growing nervous.

The wolf instantly walked to her side, scanning the place. Ella rubbed behind his ear before walking straight forward, hoping they won't go anywhere near Jacobs compound.

Somehow the walk was a little bit calming with birds singing beautiful tunes around them. The girl walked bare feet, all thanks to Jacob and his sick perversions.

She thought about her family, what happened to them, If they were okay.  She was worried Jacob did something bad to them just because she ran away. Tears started suddenly falling down her beautiful grey eyes, once full of life, now cold, and filled with sorrow.

Jacob would most definitely kill her if he found her right now. Or worse, he'd rape her, kill Alonzo, and leave her to slowly die in a forest full of wild animals, that could easily hurt her. But the worst pain was in her brain, the psychical pain he left on her. The way he made her do things she's never wanted to.

Ella took a deep breath and straightened up. What would her grandpa think if he had seen her like this? She needed to be strong, show Jacob that she's not weak and that she won't be an easy target. Never. She won't give up.

Although the girl had a soft nature, her grandpa taught her how to hunt or defend herself. She may have fooled others, by her innocence, but she's a force to be reckoned with.

The wolf turned left and went that way, as if he was sure it was the right way. However, Ella wasn't so sure anymore which was the right way. Probably the way far away from Jacob and his fuccked up centre. Following suit, she let the wolf lead her, as she knew he already had her trust. If it wasn't for him, she'd be lying on the cold floor of the cage, a burning feeling between her thighs, and tears falling down her pale cheeks. She didn't want that. Nobody would want that. Unless they got off on something like that.

The forest was a beautiful yet dangerous place. One wrong move and she could be dead, the trees and bushes hid many wild beasts from her sight, although she was glad Alonzo was with her, at least he'd know if something was wrong. Ella was always fascinated by forests, but she knew that it wasn't her territory anymore, it belonged to the animal kingdom.

"I hope my parents are fine, I swear, if something happened to them I'll snap someones neck..." she mumbled, panicking slightly.

The wolves snout nudged Ella's forearm, trying to lighten her mood. It fortunately did. Brushing her hand over its soft fur, she tuned out, listening to the beautiful melodies around her, bringing a smile to her face.

When she was younger and still lived in Boston, she had a canary. She named him, Merl. He sang beautifully, she often lied down on her bed, closing her eyes and just listening. It always calmed her. Also her mother usually was down stairs, making pancakes and her father was smoking while reading the news on the porch. She missed them dearly, now that she thought about them.

Alonzo  suddenly halted, and Ella nearly stumbled over a branch, thanks to her clumsy nature. However she quickly looked up, sensing something was off if even the natural-born hunter stopped in his tracks.

"What is it?" she whispered, partly to herself, knowing the wolf wouldn't directly answer her.

He growled, showing his sharp teeth, that could destroy a body in seconds. His fur bristled, and he leaned forward. Ella stood frightened, realising that it could be Jacob and his hunt party. Alonzo silently walked forward, eyes fixed upon something in the distance. The bushes in front of her rustled, signaling someones presence. Suddenly the black wolf jumped forward, baring his teeth and dissapearing behind the said bushes. She heard his quiet whimper, making her fear for his life. Taking a step closer, a weird sound touched her ears, it was a pained whimper.

Ella decided it would be best to wait for her savior, her heart pounding.

"...oh" she now understood the wolves stance. He was hunting his prey.

Big blue eyes were watching her, waiting for her next move. She thought she saw its eyes softening. Ella never took a step back when it neared her, only knelt in front of Alonzo. Tracing his bloody snout, she wrapped her arms around the beast, glad it was okay.

They've already walked for some time, they were far enough to finally rest.

"Come on, i'll try to light a campfire." patting its head, she praised the wolf, which he waggled its tail in response. Then she went to the deer, looking a little bit disgusted by the bloody mess, but still tugged it by its back limb and dragging it near a tree trunk.

Sweat covered her forehead from the heavy weight she dragged.

"I don't have a knife." she said, looking at her feet.

How was she supposed to cut the deer, without the most important item? Lucky for her, grandpa taught her many things, including survival with only a rock and stick. Sighing, she searched for a sharp-looking rock, that could help her cut through the thick skin on the animal.

"Aha, got it!" proudly walking back up to the dead animal, she crouched on the hard ground.

Shivers went down her spine again, the sun was going down, she probably should light a fire, though it wasn't the smartest idea with Jacob on her tail. Although she wasn't sure if he already noticed her absence.

Later that day, with both full stomachs, Alonzo ate most of the deer, some of it still left, though she dragged it away, so other animals didn't sniffed them out, or Jacobs judges. Perhaps she was so paranoid, she couldn't sleep at all, only scooted closer to the warm body of the wolf.

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