Chapter 13

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Beth had been relatively calm during her pregnancy. Given her history, she was fairly adroit at navigating change. She didn't panic or dwell. Rather, she adapted. However, even her steel nerves were put to the test when she was tasked both with bedrest and acclimating to her mother-in-law. It started with a routine doctor's appointment, Dr. Woodland uncharacteristically quiet as the blood pressure cuff loosened around her arm.

"Your blood pressure is a little high for my liking," he said. "But, it may just be nerves. I'll take it again at the end of the visit."

Beth hadn't, in fact, been nervous, but she was when the cuff tightened around her bicep a second time. She looked over to Benny for some sort of reassurance, but he was watching the cuff squeeze her arm like a snake. The cuff loosened and she felt her pulse deep in her arm, like a betrayal.

"You're still a bit high," Dr. Woodland said. "Just to be safe, I'm going to run some tests, okay?"

One vial of blood and a cup of urine later, Dr. Woodland diagnosed her with preeclampsia and given how close she was to her due date, he recommended bed rest. Benny hovered. As did his mother. Beth saw where he got that now.

"You should drink prune juice," Mrs. Watts says, forcing a glass into Beth's hand. "I drank prune juice every morning during my pregnancies with Benny and Cal."

"I don't really like prunes," Beth says diplomatically. To be more exact, she thinks they are disgusting, but she didn't think that distinction necessarily needed to be communicated to her mother in law.

Mrs. Watts purses her lips into a frown. The expression emphasizes where she overdrew her lips with lipstick. "It's not about what you're a fan of. It's about what's best for your baby."

Beth sits up with effort in her bed. "I want what's best for my baby. But, I'm also not going to drink prune juice just because you say so."

"I'm not just saying so," Mrs. Watts returns. "I'm speaking from experience, Beth. Something where, in this situation, you have none."

Benny walks in with a chess board, immediately sensing the tension and he looks between his mother and wife. "Everything okay in here?"

"Please tell your mother I am not drinking that prune juice."

"Mom, I asked you to knock it off with that," Benny says wearily.

"I drank prune juice with both you and Cal, and I was never put on bed rest."

"Well, congratulations, you have a better womb than mine," Beth says loudly.

Mrs. Watts shakes her head. "Honestly, sometimes I wonder why you even asked me to come here."

Beth was about to say that it was because her son was concerned she would drink herself into a corner, but Benny spoke first. Probably for the best.

"Mom, we appreciate you being here, but I don't think Beth is drinking the prune juice. So, why don't we move on?"

Mrs. Watts responded by taking the glass back without a word and leaving the room. Beth looks over at Benny and says, "I'm pretty sure your Mom thinks that this is my fault."

"It's not your fault. Dr. Woodland said preeclampsia is pretty common, remember?"

"Does she really think I want to be on bedrest?" Beth continues irritably as she sets up the chess board on the bed. "The Kentucky State Championship is in two weeks. I'm not defending my title because of this."

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