Chapter 15

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Beth sits at a familiar board, resting her chin on her folded hands as she studies the squares laid out before her. She can see the path to victory clearly, but there is too much uncertainty on the board for her to know exactly how it will turn out. As it stands, Beth's opponent is ahead and it is her opponent's turn, which gives her another chance to achieve an even farther lead. Her opponent reaches forward and draws a card. It's red. Beth frowns, watching her daughter push the gingerbread man four spaces up.

"Your turn," her daughter says crisply, taking a sip of her apple juice. Chess tournaments didn't allow beverages other than water, but for a Candyland tournament, Alma considers the apple juice indispensable.

Beth reaches forward and takes a card. It's a measly yellow, which only takes her one square forward.

Benny walks into the kitchen and takes a look at the board. "I see this game is going about as well as usual."

"How do I keep losing?" Beth says unhappily.

Alma draws another card that takes her directly to Gumdrop Mountain. At this rate, she'll reach Candy Castle in another three moves. Maybe two. Alma grins up at her mother.

"No gloating," Beth says lightly. Looking over at Benny, she remarks, "She gets that from you."

"I don't gloat. I simply enjoy my wins."

"Oh, is that what you're calling it now?"

Beth draws another card, swearing under her breath when she finds herself pulled into a Molasses Swamp. She really hated this game.

Benny crouches next to his daughter and says, "Your mother is very bad at this game."

"Daddy, you're distracting me," Alma says with exasperation.

"I'm sorry, kid." Benny says. He straightens up, and when he passes Beth he says, "That she definitely got from you."

Three turns later, Alma arrives at Candy Castle and stretches her hand across the board, just as her parents taught her.

"Good game, Mommy."

Beth smiles, once again struck by the fact that she had made someone so absolutely perfect. She shakes her daughter's hand and then calls out, "Carol, you're up."

Mrs. Watts comes into the kitchen and says, "Another win? Good for you, Alma dear."

Beth plants her hands on the table and stands. "I think she's going to sweep the tournament again."

Mrs. Watts takes her seat. "Well, we'll see about that."

Beth ruffles Alma's hair before she goes to find Benny, leaving Mrs. Watts to play the reigning Candyland champion. Benny is seated on the couch reading a magazine. He looks up at her when he hears her approach, and says, "Another crushing defeat?"

"I swear she stacks the deck."

"Honestly, if she did, I'd be a little proud."

Beth laughs, sitting next to him. She rests her head on his shoulder and he says, "How are you feeling about Paris next week?"

"I'm as ready as I can be," Beth says.

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