What am I Doing Here?

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Chapter 14 What am I Doing Here?

Ella’s P.O.V.

“Watch this!” My slurred voice yelled through his phone, and everyone was cracking up behind me.

“Oh my gosh, I seriously did this?” I mumbled under my breath.  I feel like a complete idiot while watching this, and my face turned cherry red.

“Awh what’s the matter?” Zach snickered behind me, “Can’t handle this video?”  Matt laughed at his comment, and I just looked down.

I didn’t say a word after that video, I just got up and went into the bathroom.  I carefully washed my arms and knuckles, and looked into the mirror.  I was a complete mess.  Hair knotted, make up smeared, I must be a total catch.  Splashing cold water on my face really did help though; I was wide awake, and ready to fight the day.  Then I remembered that I had an ISS.

“Holy shit you guys!” I ran down the stairs, almost tripping. “I have an ISS today and tomorrow, and if I don’t go.”

“Holy shit yeah!” Matt yelled clapping his hands, “But what happens if you don’t go?  I mean can’t you just call in sick?” Matt asked, air quoting ‘sick’.

“Oh yeah dude that should work, fuck ISSs,” Zach managed a smile, “Dude fuck it, don’t even call. Its not like they care.”

I just smiled at his response, “Well okay, but what are we going to do now?  I mean Bryan’s still asleep and all.”

“What the hell?  He is?”  Zach looked at me stupidly, “I could of sworn he was up.”

I just laughed, and sat on the couch, looking down at the floor.  My mind is at ease, the pain is minimal, and I feel like I can finally breathe. 


This sucks, sitting here in the detention room- with this other kid, Jacob.  We both had ISSs, so we just chilled in there and talked to each other- awkwardly.  He was in there for ‘vandalizing’ the school, and when I told him I was in here for punching a girl in the face, he started laughing.

“Are you serious?”  Jacob asked clearly amused.

“Yes, I am dead serious,” I laughed out, “well I mean, she did deserve it.”

“Wait who did you punch in the face anyway? “  Jacob asked flicking his pencil around the desk, “oh yeah! And I heard you punched her because of a guy.”

“Sammy,” I looked down at the table, “seriously? These people have nothing better to say?”

Jacob looked down, and smirked, “To bad I wasn’t in the room, I’d be cheering for you.”

“Oh wow,” I looked down and blushed, “That’s real nice of you.  All the ladies must love you!” I winked at him, and looked at my ‘homework’.

We sat there in silence for 20 minutes until Ms. Chuzn walked inside.  She said we could go get lunch if we wanted to- which meant socializing!  I mean I needed it; they gave me an extra day because I skipped.  We walked into the café, parting ways towards our own friends.  I saw Matt sitting at the table with Amy, Tyler, and Katie.   Amy winked at me, and I just ignored her, walking over to the table for a few minutes.

“Oh yeah,” Tyler was probably telling a story or something, “oh hi!”

I nodded his way, and turned towards Matt, “Hello.”

Amy saw that I didn’t like that he was here, “Oh hey, I decided to invite Matt to sit with me and Tyler and Katie, since you weren’t here today.”

I looked at her, and smiled, “Oh okay.”  I bent down toward Amy and whispered into her ear, “You think he’s attractive, don’t you?”

Her face turned beet red, and I just laughed.  Then an idea popped into my mind.  Maybe they should go out.  My face brightened to this idea, and everyone just stared at me quizzically.  “Oh well I have to go, but what’s for lunch anyway?” I looked down at the tray in front of me. “Oh no, I am good, anyone have something I can drink though, I am not going to stand in line for that.”

“Here,” Matt tossed a Gatorade bottle at me, and I awkwardly managed to catch it, “have fun.”

I nodded towards his direction, and headed back to the detention room, watching the kids with lunch detentions file in.  I sipped on my Gatorade, and stared at the wall.  Why do we even have detentions or ISSs?  They don’t do anything.  I jumped, to the sound of a tray slamming on the desk next to me.  Jacob smirked, and sat down, leaving the air filled with awkwardness.

“You’re not eating?”  Jacob turned to me, his eyes big. “Don’t tell me you’re on one of those diets.”

I laughed, “Oh god no.  Diets are stupid, like why diet if you’re already a skinny mofo,” I looked down at the bottle, “I just didn’t want to.  You know.”

"What?" He looked at me weirdly, "The food not good enough for you?"

I smiled, "This food sucks dick.  I mean I'll eat it and shit, but common, I'd prefer to suck on a bottle, then eat that shit todaay."  I looked down at the tray, and saw a lovely piece of meat


Twenty-eight more minutes to go.  I sat there, tapping my pencil to the beat of the clock.  Jacob stared at me, amused at my expresssions.  I mockingly looked at him, and copied his facial expression.  We sat there, messing around until the final bell rung.  I rose from my chair, throwing my backpack on my back.  Jacob, on the other hand, sat on the desk, rumaging through his bag.

"Here,"  Jacob held out a crumpled up piece of paper, "Text me sometime."

I looked down , "Ahah, nice one Jacob.  If I ever think about texting you," I looked down to my feet, not knowing what to say, "Uh, that means that the world is going to be ending?"

He chuckled, "Just give me a ring whenever."  He got up, and flug his backpack on his back, "I'm out peace!"

I walked in silence, looking around at the kids.  They're lucky.  Loving family and all.  I started my journey back to my house.  I finally reached Xavier's school.  Tears started forming in my eyes.  Stay strong Ella, just stay strong.  Choking back the tears, I countinued to walk.  Finally, I made it to the house; I ran inside, and locked myself in the room, sliding my back againist the door to sit down.  What am I doing here? 


I know I know this took forever to write.  I had the time.. I just didnt feel liek doing it. Eh yerah.. I dunno though.. This is the first stoy I've wanted to complete.. I jsut dont know if i could do it..


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