Chapter 2: Searching

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Izuku is jolted awake when his box rocks violently. He covers his mouth to prevent any sound coming out. He could hear a man breathing heavily and saying, "Well that's the last one. We can go now." Shuffling, then a slam, and an engine starts roaring.

Izuku carefully lifts the lid of his box. He saw a dark space, barely illuminated by a thin crack of light coming from close to him. I'm in a...truck?

Izuku continues to analyze his surroundings. He carefully climbs out and searches for water which is essential. He found an half empty water bottle towards the back of the truck. He grips it tightly and carefully makes his way back to his box of apples.

Izuku is almost knocked off his feet from a violent shake, but steadies himself by grabbing onto a nearby crate. This one was filled with yellow things, bananas as Izuku later identifies. He puts a few in his bag.

Izuku climbs into his crate of apples and fills his bag with as many apples as possible without it spilling out. Who knows when the boxes will be dropped off? It's best to be prepared. Izuku closes his eyes and settles in for an uncomfortable ride.

Untold hours pass as Izuku munches on apples, and tries the bananas which he finds to his taste. The apples have enough juice so the water bottle stays untouched (by him).

Finally, the truck stops for more than just gas or a break for the drivers. Izuku hurriedly pulls on the lid of his crate and hopes the drivers don't decide to investigate. The truck back is flooded with light as the doors open. There are grunts as Izuku feels his crate is carried and set down. More shuffling and voices, and the truck drives off, probably to drop off fruit somewhere else.

Izuku makes sure there are no sounds and carefully lifts the lid. He finds himself in a small dark room. There are several other boxes piled next to his. He climbs out and replaces the lid.

Izuku finds a full water bottle so he switches it out with his half empty one. He carefully inches the door he found open, squinting his eyes as his eyes adjust to the bright light.

After Izuku's eyes adjust, he sees another door with a little man and woman on it. I can clean up and hide in the bathroom for a bit. He thinks.

Carefully inching out, Izuku hurries into the bathroom and locks the door. Splashing water on his face, Izuku decides his next move. I need to find Yuuei or have a hero find me. I'm probably already in Musutafu, but if not, then I'll have to get there somehow. Izuku sighs. Escaping took so much brainpower and energy.

Izuku pulls out another set of white clothes from his pocket, identical to the one he was wearing but clean. After changing, he throws away his old set of clothes. They were disposable so it was okay.

Izuku prepares himself and unlocks the door, not prepared to see another man standing outside. He was wearing all black with a grey scarf and a grey utility belt. Izuku identified him as Eraserhead. Izuku quickly looked down and rushed out of the little cafe.

Aizawa's POV

Aizawa was just going to the bathroom when a small boy wearing white, no older than 7 years old, with green hair takes one look at him and just rushes out. How odd. Aizawa thinks. What is a child doing here without his parents?

After getting coffee, Aizawa walks out and proceeds his patrol. Making sure to check each alleyway, Aizawa spots the small boy wearing white standing in an alleyway, slightly muttering to himself. What is he doing here? Where are his parents? Aizawa was now suspicious. He crept closer to the boy.

Izuku's POV

Izuku decides to go to a nearby alleyway to think and collect his thoughts. He was so engrossed that he didn't notice Eraserhead creeping up on him.

"What are you doing here problem child?"

Izuku jumps at the voice. Without thinking, he runs forward onto a different road. Twisting back, he didn't see Eraserhead following. But he ran around the city anyways just in case. The only problem was now he's lost. Izuku sighed. He needed to be with a hero anyways but now he's lost his chance.

Izuku takes out an apple from his bag and starts to navigate around the city, making sure to stay unnoticed and quiet. Yuuei would be a hard building to miss, but Izuku had ran so much that he was now on the other side of the city.

The blinking lights and flashing signs were so bright and colorful, but as someone who's seen nothing but white and heard nothing but white noise and a few other people's voices, the colors and sounds were overwhelming for Izuku. He hid in between some trash cans and tried to get some rest. Tomorrow he would have to resume his search.
Word Count: 842

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