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"Gomene, Kaa-san,"

He was in a dark void. Was he finally dead? He hanged himself after all. Age of 12, he committed suicide by hanging himself in his own room

He was floating in this void. Was this the purgatory? It didn't really matter. He was finally free. Free from that pain he experienced at such age.

"You poor child." Ringed a powerful and yet kind voice from the darkness.

Suddenly, an colossally large woman, larger than any planet, with long, flowing cyan hair and five jewels on the crown of her head while her entire body seems to be robotic in appearance of having a white and light blue color pattern to it all over, along with grey colored gloves and boots on her hands and feet.

"Poor little soul, you've suffered so much for something beyond your control. I can even see the many scars in you." She pointed out sadly, gently brushing away some of his green locks from his face using her index and middle finger.

"Who are you?" He asked in awe.

"I've been called by many names, I've even been called Mother in another realm. But you may call me Ankhseram," She says, smiling, "It is very rare for a soul like you to come from another world and come to my realm," Izuku looked at her confused, what did she mean with 'a soul from another world'? "But I can see you're a very special soul. I am very lucky to have you, here, in my realm."

"What do you mean, Ankhseram-san?" Izuku asked, confused.

Ankhseram slowly explained that there were many realms outside of his own and sometimes, souls can crossover to these other realms to be reborn and maybe start a new life away from their home realms.

"I can make you be reborn in the realm which I protect and loved. You will be able to start it all over again,"

Izuku only looked at the green haired goddess in realization. Starting over? Will he finally be able to have a quirk? Will he finally be a hero like he wanted? But what if the realm Ankhseram was talking about had people over there who didn't have quirks? What if they are cruel too? But there is a question which Izuku thought was the most important one out of all of them.

"A-am I finally going to be happy?" He asked. Ankhseram only looked at him with a gentle smile.

"Being reborn, you will start your life all over again. You will go through moments of joy, sadness, hate, love, empathy and many other emotions just like your previous life. However, unlike in your past life, you will have a family who'll truly support you and love you to the bitter end, by blood or not,"

"T-then I accept your offer,"

Suddenly, Izuku was blinded by a strong light, Ankhseram disappearing from view. He cried out as he felt his body was being taken away by a powerful water stream. Then everything went dark. When he opened his eyes, he felt his body was smaller but he felt so warm and unmovable. He was also wrapped in a cozy pink blanket. Looking up, he saw a woman. Her face was covered with sweat and she looked very tired but very happy, so happy. She had blonde hair and gentle brown eyes while dressed in a thin white gown.

Is she my new mom? He thought to himself.

"Doesn't she look like us, Jude? She is so beautiful," The woman whispered in awe as she told this to a blonde haired man with the same shade.

"She does, Layla,"

"Welcome to the world, our dear Lucy," Izuku couldn't help but smile at what he believes to be his new name and identity. His, no, her new parents were overjoyed to see her smile.

A new life.


"NATSU DRAGNEEL!" She screeched, as she pull the salmon haired man by the ear,"How many times do I have to tell you that you can't just barged into my room without permission?!"

It has been 19 years(well, technically 26 if you count that time where they got blasted 7 years into the future then the one year disbandment and a year after the war) since she has been reborn in this world, Earthland. To say the least, this life was adventurous. She enjoyed it. If you ignored that thing with her dad, life is so far so good!

All zodiac keys are in her hands(Yukino decided to pursue the path of being an angel magic mage like Sorano). The God Keys and Demon Keys somehow landed on her hands, as well as the angel keys. Like what the heck?! But who cares! It's a win-win for her, she gained powerful keys, as well as new friends!

The day went on like normal, her team and herself went on a job and got back late at night. She was smiling so brightly as they all rode the train back(The trains and other vehicles have anti-motion sickness lacrima for the convenience of the dragon slayers thanks to Blue Pegasus). Happy was teasing Natsu about him dating Lisanna, Gray and the others are talking with one another.

She looked out of the window with Plue and her lap, in deep thought. How was her mother from Earth? Was she okay? Did her father came back for her? Did anyone noticed when she did died? What about Kacchan? Did he became a hero? Of course he did. He is so strong after all.

That is why she worked hard to be strong here too. The guild members especially the master complimented her combat and magic skills, that she was offered to be the 7th Saint, of course she accepted it with pride to honor the guild.

It was to catch up to..."...Kacchan.."

"Huh?" She snapped out of her thoughts when the others spoke, with startled expression she looked at her team. They were looking at her with curious eyes.

"Who's Kacchan, Lushee?" Happy asked her.

Did she said his nickname out loud?! Technically Ankhseram didn't say she's not allowed to tell them about it. It's just that.. She carried on without telling anyone about the rebirth. Observing the team with her eyes, with power Ankhseram apparently gave her called Geass(which she has never used).They all have been together through thick and thin, so she'll risk it and told them.

She told how she was actually a boy who committed suicide by hanging when he was ten on another dimension called Earth, she couldn't forget the horrified expression of the team when she told them that she willingly took her own life due to peer pressure and bullying. She went on the details how the quirks were everything in that dimension as times goes by, how people without them are basically the disease of the society.

The team were enraged when she told them about Kacchan(or Fucksuki Bitchogou™ as Natsu and Gray called him) called her Deku(she told them what it meant since she doubt that the meaning is known in Earthland) from the age of four and how the boy was her biggest tormentor. How the boy abused her with his explosion quirk until the day she took her own life.

"When I see that Fucksuki..!" Natsu gritted his teeth. Lucy or Izuku is a very kind person! How could they just do that because of lack of power?! Let's see if they all can survive Edolas then!

"To take your own life at that age.. How horrible," Carla was aghast. Lucy is very much has such a kind soul, with power or not, she can very much be a hero with her analytical skills and enough body and combat training!

"Those fiends..!" Erza was furious. To think her brightest friend was treated like that in her first life.

Wendy and Gray were also in shock. To them, Lucy was the greatest person. If by the standard of her old world, she is very much a hero!

Lucy smiled assuring them, when people in black cloaks came and attacked. Everything was so sudden, next thing everyone knew Lucy was pushed out of the train to her death, her second death.

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