Chapter 1: The Release

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He unlocks the handcuffs and gives me one more nasty look. It's been five months and five days since I've been in this junk of a place that's called jail. Who could've bailed me out? And why didn't they come earlier and take five whole months. He hands me back the passions that I was forced to give when I first got in here.

"you're free to go Ms. Johnson," he said with his deep raspy voice.

Then walked in the one person I despise in the world. His gold necklace and rings were shinning from all the way where I was staying. He gave me that devilish smirk he usually has on his face. He didn't change one bit. The same gray hair that was tightly slicked back shunned as usual. He still wears those dark solid colored suits that makes him appear very wealthy and rich. It's actually funny that he has enough balls to even show up here, he is the reason why I was put in here. He walked with a straight posture and opened both of his arms offering a hug. Everything about him angered me. Why the fuck is he even here?

He was face to face with me, "you don't even care to give your old man a hug." I looked at him with disgust and walked right past him without saying a word.

I got into the limo he came here with. I notice that he replaced Johnny, old limo driver-with another guy that I couldn't recognize at all. That's the only thing that I've seen change. Maybe I didn't miss much over the five months. He grabbed a bottle of alcohol with the label Dragon Fire and offered me some, I shook my head. I could go for a drink but for now I'm not taking anything he's offering.

"you can't stay mad at me forever," I watched him pour the alcohol in his cup. Damn it looks so good.

"You have a lot of nerves to fucking even come here showing your face," I snapped.

"I bailed you out didn't I."

"that doesn't change anything, you still put me in there," I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I had no other choice its-"

"business? That's your only excuse for everything," I interrupted him. He looked up at me with his cold eyes and shook his head.

"I had to do what I had to do, don't take it personally sweetie, if I didn't do it we would've been both in danger"

"no you dragged me into this like always, your ass would've been in trouble, I had my shit sorted"

"just be lucky I got your ass out," He then gulps down the cup of alcohol.

"burn in hell."

When I arrived at my house, everything seemed so different. It's like I don't even recognize the place anymore. The walls was painted with a different color. The last furniture I've seen five months ago was replaced with new ones. Everything was replaced, the whole place seemed so foreign.

I make my way into the kitchen and the first thing I open was the fridge. I search through the neatly stacked food that was filled inside for any kind of drink. I'm so eager to have any drink that could feel my mouth. Then my eyes spots the can of Budweiser at the back of the fridge. I open the cold can of Budweiser and gulp it within seconds.

"already drinking and you just got back," a voice from behind me says. I was startled, almost causing the can of Budweiser to spill on my shirt. I turn around and see my brother Michael that have grown a little. He smiles at me and his blue eyes meets mine. I automatically sprint to him and give him a hug.

"I missed you loser," I wrap my arms tightly around his neck almost causing him to suffocate. Words can't describe how much I missed Michael. I feel like I missed a whole lot over these months. He's grown so tall. His dark brown hair seemed much lighter. He seemed so muscular and more fit.

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